February 2025
- Auto entrepreneur EU and non EU revenue, does it all count towards TVA threshold?
- Issues with changing address on INPI
- Le versement libératoire - is it possible in year 1?
- Declaration Urssaf
- Adding a consultancy service to my micro-business
- First teclaration on urssaf Micro Entrepreneur
- Personal bank account as micro-entrepreneur
- URSSAF categories and tax
- Which regime to choose with new 25,000€ VAT threshold
- Urssaf website login
- Do I need a TVA number to apply for IOSS
January 2025
- What counts as revenue for a micro entrepreneur?
- Business address update with a domicilaition
- Declared wrong amount in one quarter last year
- VAT for Dutch company
- Insurances need for being an Auto Entrepeneur
- VAT threshold.
- How to fill in Form 1447‑C
- Charity donation
- Creating website for EI business
- Help with form 1447-C
- multi activity AE confusion
- Déclaration de chiffre d’affaires for Urssaf: add information on BIC or BNC field
- TVA on invoices
- Exceed yearly turnover limit
December 2024
- Changing Business Address
- Is the “Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises” form the same as “Contributions Foncière des Entreprise
- Providing documents to CPAM
- Ameli Account Creation - error message
- Best scheme for current situation
- Insurance for Independent Consultant
- domiciliation for auto-entrepreneur
- Assistance with URSSAF Registration and Related Questions
November 2024
- SIE form 751-SD and Wework
- Freelancing while on a CDI
- Cotisation foncière des entreprises - CFE Bill
- Cotisation Fonciere des enterprises 2025
- Can the spouse of EU citizen awaiting their Carte de Sejour register a Micro Entreprise ?
- Impots monthly TVA declarations on form 3310–CA3 previously, now on “4ème trimestre” form 3514 ?
- Moving to Brazil
- can you close your ME Siret by going to the Imports office
- How many times can you reapply for the micro-entrepreneur status
- Taxable Income for Income Tax Purposes & Business Activity
- Deleting an INPI Auto-Entrepreneur application
- Duration of conjoint collaborateur status
- How do I obtain my Carte Vitale as a micro-entrepreneur?
- URSSAF cotisations - “À régulariser” micro entrepreneur
October 2024
- Micro-entrepreneur en profession libérale first steps
- Maximum Income for Auto-Entrepeneur
- TVA declarations on ‘turnover invoiced’ or ‘turnover received’ ?
- TVA and earning limits
- Can I use a Wise (used to be Transferwise) account for my micro entreprise?
- Client in Belgium and TVA mentions
- URSSAF monthly declaration cancellation/resubmission
- Adding an activity selling prints and merchandise as Auto Entrepreneur
- Auto Entrepreneur Change of Address
- Change from S1 cross border worker to French auto entrepreneur
September 2024
- Invoicing through my UK Ltd company AND my French Micro Enterprise
- INSEE Message
- I submitted my URSSAF July taxes, but they still haven’t billed my bank account?
- Registering for a numero fiscale
- TVA registration after intra-community TVA
- Closing down the micro-entrepreneur company
- Multiple URSSAF questions
- L’Assurance Maladie
- Stop working to take care of baby. Is there any help?
- TVA applicability for a non-EU client paying from their EU account
- Should I be paying U.S. taxes on this payment?
- Payment to United States Bank Account
August 2024
- Categorization of activity on INPI.fr
- Virtual Adress for my micro-entrepreneur
- Closing down the business bank account
- Funding for training for entrepreneurs in France
- Payments with credit card in USD
- Auto Entrepreneur Profession Libérale Tax Regime
- Can I use the same space for various designations ? – And can I employ contractors ?
- Minimum income as a micro entrepreneur?
July 2024
June 2024
- Unpaid invoice
- Question about income before start date, business closing and leaving France
- First URSSAF declaration due date
- Domicilation rules, costs and benefits for auto-entrepreneurs
- Can I get unemployment benefits as an Auto Entrepreneur
- CFE Form 1447-C-SD_2024
- Impact of Micro Entrepreneur shutdown
- What activity to set up as a handyman/general maintenance?
- Auto Entrepreneur planning to split time between US and France
- Clarification on VAT for UK Clients
- Tax Credit from Attestation Fiscale
- Payment and Tax Query for Joint Freelance Work
- Registering with www.autoentrepreneur.urssaf.fr
- Registering a Micro Entrepreneur business - Forme Juridique and Nature de l’entreprise details
- Can I keep my business domiciliation in Paris while I move to a different region
May 2024
- Getting a TIN after registering as micro-entrepreneur
- How does Chronological invoicing works in France
- Tax Declaration 2023
- Questions during registration of an Micro Entrepreneur business
- Micro Entreprise moving to another region in France
- Where to mail my 2023 French income tax forms?
- Impact of Micro-Entrepeneur earnings on global tax return
- Adding VAT to invoices as a Micro Entrepreneur
- US Citizen Micro Entrepreneurs subject to US Self Employment Tax
April 2024
- Tax residency for Income Tax
- Contract requirements in France with US client
- Tax brackets when combining auto-entrepeneur and salaried income
- 2023 French income tax return - do you need to have filed your UK tax return first or not?
- What should I use to collect international payments?
- American citizen who is Auto Entrepreneur in France.
- Checking a couple of things re URSSAF declarations
- Auto Entrepreneur surpassing revenue limit in first year
- Sub-renting studio space from one auto-entrepreneur to the next
- Income tax for auto entrepreneurs
- Booking appointment with local tax office for Income Tax 2023
- VAT obligation for US client for micro entrepreneur
- VAT declarations when no sales
- Editor/Author - Registration as Activité Commerciale and Activité Libérale ?
- Is there a separate form to complete for CFE?
- Type of business when you have a main client
- Paying Yourself as a micro entrepreneur
- Incorrectly in Impôt libératoire?
- Legal mentions for overseas invoicing (World excluding EEA)
- Do I need a liability insurance for my French business
- Have not heard from CPAM
- Income tax and Micro Entrepreneur tax
- Is bookkeeping necessary for a micro entrepreneur?
- Declaring TVA when below threshold and only dealing with non-French companies
- Invoice number/identifier
- Do I include TVA when doing my monthly URSSAF declaration
- Are auto-entrepreneurs able to claim chomage with Pole Emploi?
- Income tax at source Micro Entrepreneur - versement liberatoire de l’impot sur le revenu
March 2024
- What address do I send my documents to in response to the L’assurance Maladie
- At what point can you start work as a micro entrepreneur
- Setting up a microentrepreneur with no social security number
- Tax treatment when close to the limit for versement libératoire
- PO Box - Se Domicilier - do they send anything to my address?
- HACCP Training in English. Approved in France. Budget options?
- Recommendation for banking and bookkeeping platforms for Micro Entrepreneurs
- American citizen requiring Form SE-404-1 or SE-404-2
- Two Social Social Security Numbers with CPAM
- Starting freelancing work later then the business registration date
- What is the minimum income requirement for a micro entrepreneur for visa renewal?
- Criteria to avoid not being misclassified as an employee of the client you are working for.
- What is the difference between Urssaff x Impots.Gouv?
- VAT and HT for UK clients B2B
- Late CFE Form
- TVA B2B when business is in UK and not registered for VAT
- Managing cash receipts when transitioning from UK sole trader to Micro entrepreneur
February 2024
- If your visa is refused, when can you re-apply?
- Becoming TVA registered auto-entrepreneur
- MME Course - Timeline and access to the forum
- Over-declaring on Micro Entrepreneur income
- Can I become a teacher on the CPF site?
- Business name change and business plan approval for business visa
- TVA for an auto entrepreneur
- Change from Entreprise Individuel to Micro Entrepreneur
January 2024
- Where can I get a missing INSEE certificate
- Sign up to become auto-entrepreneur without numero securité sociale
- CFE second year in business in France
- Amending errors on old micro-entrepreneur returns…?
- VAT in UK vs France - Micro Entrepreneur
- Can you change from monthly to trimesterly/quarterly declarations?
- Declaring two different quarterly incomes to Urssaf
- Recommendations on best banks for business account - auto entrepreneur
- Receiving Pole Emploi benefits while having a low turnover as AE
- How to add a second, smaller business (pottery) to the chambre d’hote business
December 2023
November 2023
- Can I receive equity as compensation?
- Change of activity refused
- Moved address and didn’t receive letter from CPAM/URSSAF
- The 2023 CFE bill is now available - Taxe Fonciere
- About CFE
- TVA for micro entreprise profession liberale providing services outside of prof.lib. scope
- Online accountancy and invoicing software non-compliant with French regulations?
- extrait K and INPI
October 2023
- TVA Query Micro Entrepreneur
- 1st tax declaration as auto entrepreneur
- Stop Auto-Entreprenuer
- Visa for spouse of an auto-entrepreneur
- Business Plan projected income
- Is ACRE discount automatically applied?
- micro entrepreneur, Urssaf has me as Commercant but I should be Profession Liberale
- TVA threshold dates
- TVA question
September 2023
August 2023
- Micro entrepreneur exceeding the turnover limit
- Modify business through INPI website
- VAT, when to start charging?
- Trying to get to the bottom of taxes on App Store app
- paying for a course with your micro entrepreneur training funds
- Training & selling online course in France
- Compulsory language for French business contract?
July 2023
- Should a Conjoint-Collaborator have their own URSSAF account?
- Invoicing client without a VAT number
- First Monthly TVA Declaration
- Can a musician be a micro entrepreneur in France
- Is TVA/VAT chargeable on French auto entrepreneur’s translation services to a UK business?
- Micro Entrepreneur - Steps after “Document de Synthese valide”
- Invoicing my foreign EU company 75% and others 25% of revenue as auto-entrepreneur
- TVA In France as a micro entrepreneur
June 2023
- Accountant for auto-entrepreneur
- Micro Entrepreneur about to become VAT registered
- temp visa expired
- App Sales BIC or BNC?
- New activity
- Declarations for two distinct activities
- CFE exoneration for first year in business
- Charging TVA to non-profit associations
- Income to be declared as auto-entrepreneur
- Collaborating spouse and multiple SS numbers
- déclarations de TVA
- Adding VAT to invoices as auto-entrepreneur
May 2023
- Impots 2047
- Selling my products in French shops
- Business setup
- TVA Questions as Micro Entrepreneur
- Microentrepreneur limits and taxation
- Changing business address to a PO Box
- Getting a TVA/VAT Number as Micro Entrepreneur
- First auto-entrepreneur tax declaration
- Declaration of income (exchange rate)
- Concierge service
- Income tax declaration 2022
- Is a social security number required to register a business in France?
April 2023
March 2023
- My File for Direction des Migrations et de l’Intégration/Bureau de l’Admission au Séjour
- Advice required creating a business plan for a VLS-TS visa application
- Cotisations for coinjoint in auto-entrepreneur
- Invoice / VAT legal mentions
- Documents for autoentrepreneur visa with prefecture
- Business details
- What form do I need to add my wife as a Conjoint collaborateuse?
- Do I need a secondary activity?
- Becoming TVA registered as a auto entrepreneur
- TVA rate for travel planning services
- Closing micro entrepreneur enterprise, one unpaid invoice
- Student to auto-entrepreneur
- TVA guidance for a Micr Entrepreneur
- Did not receive certificat d’inscription from INSEE?
February 2023
January 2023
- Auto-enterpreneur - Tax residency
- Formalizing skills learnt on the job as an artisan & pros/cons of moving from Micro entrepreneur to EURL
- How to declare my second months income as a Auto Entrepreneur
- Do you have any advice on completing a W-9?
- Explanation of memento fiscal - Vos Obligations Fiscales and VAT with UK company
- How do I categorise my activity; Product or Service?
- Income tax paid at source Micro Entrepreneur (prelevement liberatoire)
- Pole emploi allocations after declaring micro-entrepreneur earnings
- Runnig two different types of businesses - selling goods and providing services
- Micro Entrepreneur and Pole Emploi
- Auto Entrepreneur income thresholds in 2023
December 2022
- First URSSAF declaration / ACRE
- TVA / Declaring sales in EU to Douanes as a microentrepreneur
- Form 1447-C-SD - Initial Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises 2023
- moving UK LTD business to France, combining with current auto-entrepreneur
- Registration progress and first submission
- Proof for Pole Emploi for Auto-entrepreneur/ non-salarié activités
- TVA if offering services to UK organisation
- New SIRET and CFE 2023 form after moving house
- TVA Charges
- New guichet entreprise website doesn’t work?
- Personal indemnity/liability insurance when living in France but working with clients in UK and USA
November 2022
- Legal information
- CFE payment
- Change of Address; Guichet/INPI
- vente de marchandise or prestation de service ?
- CFE first payment
- Problems registering an Auto-entrepreneur with SARLU SIREN
- temporary address + domiciliation for ME registration
- TVA registered auto-entrepreneur, profession liberale working remotely for clients outside France
- Royalties from USA
- Adding activities to Micro Entrepreneur
- Should I register with URSSAF or GREFFE to sell Apps
October 2022
September 2022
- Employing part-time workers as an auto-enterpreneur
- Vous êtes assujetti à la CET ?
- Adding an activity, auto-entrepreneur
- Is it possible to add a commercial activity to a ME registered under Professional Liberale?
- Severance payment
- Import/customs on machinery
- tax under BNC and BIC
- L’ASSURANCE DÉCENNALE for a general builder.
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
- Auto-entrepreneur advice
- Auto-Entrepreneur bank account advice
- VAT tresholds
- passeport talent - arrival dates
- Application pre-approved by DRIEETS - What are the usual delays
- New auto-entrepreneur list
- Change my status from commerçant to profession liberal
- Semi retirement and auto-entrepreneur
- TVA declaration even if threshold is not reached
- When will I pay income tax
- Bank account requirements for auto-entrepreneur
- trading name for Micro Entrepreneur
May 2022
- Micro-entrepreneur impots ‘versement liberatoire’ of 2.2%
- EI new Micro Entreprise statement
- Limosa (without TVA number)
- Tax form 2022 Foreign account declaration
- Tax 2022 declaration
- Micro entreprise Quarterly declarations Q1
- Tax Return 2022 foreign income
- Registering as a handyman
- CFE form from impots - date de cloture de premier activitie
- AE - How to declare for ‘sous-location’ of ‘local professionnel non meublé’
- Invoicing and DES doubts
- Help with declaration de revenues 2021
- Micro entrepreneur Invoice exceeding 34500€
- NAF/APE code: principal activity
- Changes for Entreprise Individuelle
- Mistake in entering revenues as BIC throughout the year (not BNC)
- Declaring a bank account on 2022 Tax Return
- Receiving funds without profit
April 2022
- Auto Entrepeneur Business & Invoicing
- Reclaiming TVA on a vehicle
- Chiffre d’affaires micro entrepreneur
- Best MultiCurrency Bank Account for Auto-Entrepreneur
- What is my SPI number and where do I find it?
- Advice on my personal situation conciergerie services
- carte vital
- Working as Agent for a Caviste
- Can I use the exchange rate I actually received when I exchanged from pounds to euro?
- Amelie.fr Personal Space
March 2022
February 2022
- Preparing for visa interview
- How to change micro-entreprise address in 2022?
- EU Customers Invoicing above 10k w/o EU TVA Number
- Ready to Start Business - Follow-up
- Dedicated back account to micro-entrepreneur activites
- Reduction of social charges
- EU TVA vs French TVA as micro-entrepreneur
- Maximum % of income from single client
- TVA Number / EU Customs Reporting for Services
- Auto-entrepreneur VAT questions
- Ready to Start Business
January 2022
- Declaration of earnings
- Adding extra job roles
- VAT statement - non-EU clients
- Closed autopreneur and carte vitale
- Is it possible to have employees as an auto entrepreneur?
- BNC - My first quarterly tax payment
- Microentrepreneur BNC and tax
- Changing departments, business registration
- bank account usage
- cotisation fonciere des entreprises 2022
- Copy of example cerfa 1447-C-SD
- Updating CFE Guidance to 2021-22
- Am I entitled to tax relief as a Micro-entrepreneur
- Cotisation Fonciére des enterprise 2022
- Help to complete CFE 1447-C-K
- Qonto | Online banks | TVA-liable auto-entrepreneur
- Closing auto entrepreneur 2022
- Is the recent inflation allowance income?
December 2021
- Additional Business Activities
- Checking my CFE calculation
- CFE N°1447-C-SD form
- Two different business activities as auto-entrepreneur
- DES (douane) reporting – only for EU clients?
- CFE bill query
- Date for Chiffre d’Affaires
- Calculating and paying income tax
- TVA for exempt clients
- 34,000 TVA limit for auto-entrepreneur profession liberale
- Re-opening closed auto-entrepreneur under 12 months
- Surpassing 72,000 threshold for auto-entrepreneur
- Auto-entrepreneur VAT threshold surpassed. What now?
- Auto-entrepreneur and tax
- Tax D’habitation
November 2021
- VAT register even income is still under the VAT threshold
- Claiming part of my phone bill as a business expense
- The correct website to register?
- It’s time to report revenue and a few questions
- Closing an autoentrepreneur
- Chambre métier de artisanal
- TVA Declaration
- AE to contract for Singapore based company
- Change the same work from contract to AE
October 2021
September 2021
- Working temporarily in the UK
- Personal Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance
- Second Activity
- Do I need to provide a personal address in addition to my domiciliation address?
- Do I need to register for VAT?
- Invoicing services to the UK: Declaration similar to DES?
- Déclaration de cessation d’activité
August 2021
July 2021
- Keeping accounts
- Turnover & taxes
- Fonds de solidarité June 2021 and July-December 2021
- New EU e-commerce tax rules
- Auto-entrepreneur with zero turnover
- Where I can get my Attestation de situation INSEE
- declaration de chiffre d’affaires form
- Upcyling furniture
- reached the TVA limit as Auto Enteprenur
- As an contract English teacher which category do I file my taxes under ?
- First Quarterly Tax Payment
June 2021
- TVA tax confusion
- I am looking for 2021 auto-entrepreneur quarterly payment dates
- Checking activities covered by SIRET registration
- how do I charge for sold goods?
- VAT question for French ME invoicing UK digital business
- Changing bank details
- Devis formats - Tax Charges for materials and how they appear on a Devis
- AE: VAT threshold and EU reverse charge
- Questionnaire relatif for SIE
- AutoEntrepreneur to Portage Salarial
- Switching from entrepreneur to SAS
- AE first declaration questions
- Threshold limit
- Best way to charge a customer according to the auto-entrepreneur system.
- Accountant questions
- VAT Query for Auto entrepreneur
May 2021
- Declaring and paying first trimester’s tax by letter/cheque (auto-entrepreneur, VLF)
- Declaring Income
- Declaring Paypal and Revolut in income tax
- Clarification on Micro-Bic
- First quarterly tax declaration
- Registered Trademark
- Change from auto entrepreneur to EURL
- Tax declaration as auto entrepreneur
- TVA / referred TVA with customer in Europe
- Material tax on Devis
- Earning over 23,000 €
- Document for opening bank account
- Micro entrepreneur - Tax & minimum turnover
- Being an auto-entrepreneur
- Auto-Entrepreneur and beyond
- Do you need private health insurance as a micro entrepreneur?
- Starting up as a ME/AE builder
- I’m a freelance writer and an author – is there a way to register as an auto entrepreneur?
- Do I need to charge TVA?
- About auto-entrepreneur
- Just found out I needed to do DES declarations - retrospective action
April 2021
- What are the criteria for registering as an AE?
- Registering for TVA and billing a client within the EU
- URSSAF Declarations
- First year AE impots questions
- Using domiciliation address in a different city from my home address
- Do I need a Kbis?
- How to register for TVA and declare each month
- Income Tax 2020 Automatic Declaration
- Tax question
- UK & French state pensions
- Expiration of CPF hours
- Income Tax 2020
- Revnue Declaration - Form 2042 & Form 2042C Pro
- Replying to a questionnaire from SIE
- how do I get a refund of overpaid social contributions to URSSAF
- new system of reduction of personal social contributions is implemented*? URSSAF
- English classes - requirements
- Changed address, can’t access URSSAF anymore
- Tax accountant services recommendation
- Wrong amount paid
- urssaf first declaration
March 2021
- “Déclaration annuelle de loyer 2021”: Is this required for domiciliations also (virtual address)?
- Cancelling invoice
- Two ‘Social Security Numbers’?
- Formal Start Dates
- Micro entrepreneur business Closure
- Micro insurance for micro enterprises and auto entrepreneurs
- Cotisations, contributions et impôts
- TI number ~ applicability
- Need to have more than one client
- Do I charge VAT to clients in Japan?
- Why is Siren is not recognised?
- UK Clients/Brexit/VAT/Customs
- Auto Entrepreneur name change (spelling error)
- Paying other businesses / persons
- Guichet-Enterprises app submitted, what next?
- Test V links
- I’m a freelance musician and guitar tutor, where is best starting point to register in France?
- Profession liberale turnover limits
February 2021
- Double-checking steps needed to change micro-entrepreneur address
- How to declare extra income from evening meals?
- URSSAF payment in installment
- Copie de votre dernier avis d’imposition
- AE statement of non-conviction?
- Auto-entrepreneur company tax option
- Service description - English name
- Invoices not required by client
- Invoicing a company outside of France
- Bail mobilité and urssaf
- débours
- Freelance writer with client work + income-generating websites
- URSSAF again
- Change of principal activity
- advertising
- Got my Siren, but rejected by URSSAF…
- CFE and working from home
- Do I need to set up another Microentreprise?
- Become a teacher‘s trainer for pilates
- Payment of auto entrepreneur taxes
- Partial payment of invoices
- Online yoga classes to UK
- Invoice numbering - new tax year
- Invoices - penalties
- Proof of enterprise for ARCE lump sump payment
January 2021
- Invoice page numbering
- Penalties for late payment - mandatory?
- Apprenticeship
- Advice re English speaking accountant in France
- Registration as micro/auto entrepreneur
- Issuing invoices at the end of the month
- Autoentrepreneur URSSAF income declaration
- Business Registration with Recherche d’emploi/ Création d’entreprise visa
- URSSAF and French social security number
- Exchange rates for invoices
- Customer not providing billing address
- Chiffre d’affaires category
- Change the name from husband to wife
- Invoicing - deadlines and formats
- CFE form
- URSAFF declaration de chiffre d’affaires
- First turnover declaration as a micro entrepreneur
- Setting up two businesses at the same time
- Buying a contract online
- Letter from URSAFF about taxes which I don’t understand
- CFE form 1447-C-K
- Paying CFE - I was late getting it paid and now don’t see the Payer blue box mentioned in your blog
- Invoicing VAT as microentrepreneur
- Chiffre d’affaires for the month I moved to France - payment dates
December 2020
- Guidance on closing UK Ltd to open a micro entrepreneur
- TVA and Brexit
- Financial help (Covid)
- Auto entrepreneur or EI sole trader?
- Right status / structure + Shares
- Aid for autopreneur
- Second income in France
- What else do I need to do?
- URSSAF Declaration de Chiffre D’Affaires
- Income distribution for auto-entrepreneur
- How to calculate ‘genuine and effective’ earnings
- Date of invoices and livres des recettes
- Help with annual tax declaration
- Registration of micro entrepreneur with CCI - Ajout RCS
- Just how do you get a social security number and a SIRET number
- Domaine of activity
- Declaration of income as micro entrepreneur
- Leaving France
- Change of ME activity
- Urssaf has updated its micro-entrepreneur registration website
- ESL Teaching micro auto entrepreneur and COVID aid
November 2020
- How to get a VAT number as an auto entrepreneur
- Pro bank account required?
- Is it time to change regime?
- Carte Professionnelle: Educateur Sportif: VAT exempt?
- Change of Address for micro-entreprise/ titre de sejour
- Registering account on line impôts etc
- URSSAF declaration of income
- VAT and the US
- Sports club business
- Auto-Entrepreneur or Travailleur Independante?
- Registration for selling phone apps - Activite Commerciale
- CFE Tax and health insurance after closing ME business
- TVA set up, URSSAF numbers
- Autoentrepreneur teaching during confinement
- KBIS & insurance
October 2020
- Covid 19 - Government support to small businesses in France
- Need avis d’imposition for bank account
- Health insurance as an me
- Two types of enterprise
- Website
- Turnover declaration for a builder micro entrepreneur - where to declare materials
- Large purchase as a micro entrepreneur
- Professional registration on impots.gouv.fr: SIREN not recognised
- We hope to buy a property for various uses, should we set up and SCI?
- Can I be an Auto-entrepreneur with this setup
- starting a new business
- Registration with Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS)
- Hair salon from home
September 2020
August 2020
- Closing down Micro entrepreneur - Will I be able to register again in future?
- Financial aids during Covid (further measures)?
- Bug in URSSAF website? Reporting of July figures
- Declaring UK rental income in France
- declarations des revenus 2019
- Location of Bank Account (using Transferwise)
- Setting up as an auto entrepreneur
- Domiciliation & registration of 2 businesss
- Registering a horse box
- Change of business name
- Taxe d’apprentissage
- Tax issues
- Has the Auto-entreprise been set up correctly?
- A jump of URSSAF Cotisations et contribution rate : over twice as much
- Income tax for auto entrepreneurs explained - Impot liberatoire versus micro BIC/BNC
- Still confused about TVA
- Artisan auto-entrepreneur etc….reactivation possible?
- Have we chosen the correct sector?
July 2020
- Social Charges & Taxes - Question about tax declaration
- Issue with first tax return on l’autoentrepreneur website
- Auto-entrepreneur with CDI contract.
- Forwarding address
- Trailing spouse turn micro entrepreneur
- Financial help
- Declarations and payments
- Carte Vitale
- CIPAV “Covid-19 : un dispositif exceptionnel d’aide”
- Setting up a tea garden
- How to pay URSSAF without having a SSN?
- Online web site for auto-entrepreneur registration
- URSSAF cannot connect
- Domiciliation
- Declaration de chiffre d’affaires
- Fonds de Solidarite for June 2020 - MicroEntreprise?
- Bank account for my auto-entreprenuer?
- Domain and activity that best describe my new auto-entrepreneur?
- Auto-entepreneur applying for ACRE and ARCE
- Is it always compulsory to write the client’s address on an invoice?
- VAT / TVA Registration
- Auto-entepreneur and USA
- Auto-entrepreneur - combining activity types
- Registering two business activities
- Cotisations rates
- Selling my business
June 2020
- First URSSAF tax return for life coach
- Exchange rate for cotisations
- Service à la personne SAP
- Correction of digital invoices
- Cerfa Form 15763*02
- Closing advice auto-entrepreneur (continued)
- RC pro (continued)?
- Terms and conditions - do they need to be updated for France?
- Quotation requirement for auto-entrepreneurs in France
- Numbering invoices (continued)
- numéro de TVA intracommunautaire (continued)
- Past cotisations with URSSAF (online)
- Change of professional address with URSSAF (online)
- Question re TVA, micro-entrepreneur
- Injury. I have been signed off work for 2 months
- Personal taxes for an Auto-entrepreneur
- TVA for services provided outside the EU?
- Entering Boursorama bank details on Impots.gouv
- Passing TVA threshold
- General Builder and Garden Maintenance
- The difference between ‘experte’ and ‘simplifiée’ when opening account at impots.gouv
- What address to use for my personal tax
- Need to start my Urssaf declarations for auto entreprenuer
- Quarterly tax declaration
- Continuation of Fonds de Solidarite
- Declaring Tax
- Do I need both a personal and professional account at impots.gouv?
- Tax Declaration 2019
- Choisissez votre activité for -Secretariat, Organisation, Services support aux entreprises-
- Impôts - demande d’aide mai 2020
- Changing my activity
- An urgent problem when declaring income tax
May 2020
- UK bank interest
- Employing a seasonal worker with a CDD contract, but also commission.
- Cotisations rate year 1
- form 2047 boxes 200 to 208
- Form 2042
- Micro-entreprise and actvite de service à la personne benefit for customers
- Do I still need to submit 2042 form?: The first time tax declaration as a ME.
- 1st declaration - covid - Zero déclaré de février
- Declaration
- tvs, impôts
- Problems paying charges on 1st quarter of the year - Auto Entrepreneur.
- Secondary activity
- AE Activities
- tax return
- LMNP vs ‘professional’ rentals
- 2019 Tax Declaration Online
- Invoices and receipts accounting
- 2019 Income tax declaration - Declaration Impôt sur le revenu
- Setting up a Koi business
- not received a payment
- Online Numero Fiscal
- Declaring 2019 income tax as a household
- Incorrect Attestation!
- As an Auto entrepreneur I don’t charge TVA. How should I express that?
April 2020
- Secretary working from home
- RSI vs. CIPAV, how do I know if I am eligible for CPSTI RCI COVID -19 aide?
- Best format for small scale consulting activity
- Broadening my business to an online shop
- Income declaration
- URSSAF refund of cotisations
- AE tax credits
- What GBP/EUR exchange rate to use for impots declarations?
- Does an autoentrepreneur automatically get a Numero fiscal?
- Continuation of Fonds de Solidarite’ for April and May 2020?
- How to choose an online bank
- taxe cci question
- First income tax
- Working from France due to Covid - what is the correct tax structure for this temporary period
- Closing micro-enterprise on line
- Kbis and Visale scheme
- LMNP empty properties and loss of revenue due to Covid-19
- registered URSSAF with ‘Temporary’ social security number by mistake
- One more time about the 1500€
- Fonds de solidarité for auto-entrepreneur registered less than a year ago
- Getting the financial help for 1500 from Impots - covid 19
- Turnover declaration new micro entreprise
March 2020
- Urssaf.fr site
- Two Auto Entrepreneurs in a family
- Ass
- COVID-19 & Employee on CDI contract via TESE
- Assistance from Action Sanitaire et Sociale (ASS)
- Coronavirus: Assistance for seasonal guest house’s.
- First URSSAF declaration micro entrepreneur
- Short Term Lettings Business - Tax & Social Charges
- Autoentrepreneur: is having an accountant necessary to answer Impots questions?
- Loss of income due to Lockdown covid 19
- 2020 social charge for micro
- first year as micro-entrepreneur & DGFiP 1500€ support
- Coronavirus: Assistance for small businesses
- 1st report to impots
- How to do accounts
- Move from RAM to CIPAM
- Issuing visa invitation letters
- Pensions for auto-entrepreneurs
- Accountant search
- What is the correct way to bill clients in EU?
- Erroneous demand for CFE payment?
February 2020
- Do I need to do a déclaration d’insaisissabilité when setting up a micro?
- Tour Guiding for Another Company
- AE - can I also work part-time as an employee?
- Issues with finding numero SIREN/SIRET
- Second Trade Registration
- Outsourcing Work as an AE?
- CFE1 - Déclaration initiale de COTISATION FONCIÈRE DES ENTREPRISES - 1447‑C
- My clients are all UK or US based charities, do I charge VAT?
- carte de séjour for British citizen as auto-entrepreneur
- Some clarification message form impots SIE
- Professeur du Pilates / Professeur de Yoga
- Protecting assets auto entrepreneur
- Change of status and social payments
January 2020
- Are TVA platforms calculated by 4 trimesters, or by the fiscal year?
- Delayed VAT number and payments from clients
- Initial setup queries
- Social charges exoneration ACRE in 2020
- Auto-entrepreneur - client in other EU country
- Questions about Entreprise Individuelle
- VAT and Tax at source
- French lessons deductible
- Autoentrepreneur boat work
- Type of bank account before registration with URSSAF and monthly basis rental/hotel as local address
- Tax and Social Charges on material costs
- How exactly to register as a performing musician
- Cesu and auto entrepreneur
- First payment as an auto-entrepreneur
- Expenses
- AE registration completed - advice required with the next steps
- Finding exchange rate
- Invoicing a European client as an auto-entrepreneur
- Deduct VAT as an AE
- Declaring Chiffre D’Affaires
- Revenue limit & closing down
- lieu d’exercise, domicile personnel, domiciliation
- Do foreign credit card accounts have to be declared with the tax return
- www.autoentrepreneur.urssaf.fr
- CFE Form 14187*10
- Income from book royalties
- URSSAF declaration
- Auto-Entreprise - multiple projects / international customers
- CFE 1447-C-K form
- acre for 2nd year….
- First Declaration De Chiffre D’affairs with temporary Numero de Securite Social
- Children and healthcare
- How to get an official monthly payment slip?
- Which regime for eCommerce site?
- Estimating French Pension revenue from Micro-Entreprise Cotisations
- Cancelling and backdating your auto entrepreneur. Impact on health cover
- Social charges for auto-entrepreneur TVA payer.
- Number of clients for Auto Entrepreneur
December 2019
- Tax point for VAT purposes for an ME
- TVA and tax declaration
- Cotisation Fonciere des entreprises 2020
- Should I be paying CFE or not?
- CFE 2020
- Is there a template to ask for a TVA number for micro-enterprise?
- taxes as an auto entrepreneur
- Selling other peoples artwork
- Follow up questions
- Checklist for micro entreprise set up
- Purchases and TVA deduction reset each year?
- Selling some products on my market stall
- As a ME, who uses home for admin and office based work, do I need to pay Cotisation Fonciere?
- TVA - second year prorata calculation
- registering an online account for URSSAF / Paying via cheque
- UK tax and Auto - entrepreneur tax
- Change of SIRET number & declarations
- Prélèvement à la source
- Creation d’une micro entreprise
- Cortisation Foncirere des entreprises 2020 1447-c-k form filling
- Help filling in form 1447-C-K COTISATION FONCIERE DES ENTREPRISES 2020
- Do I have to charge a non-EU company TVA ?
- Income tax before business or income
November 2019
- Business setup - ‘opter pour le versement liberatoire’ or not?
- Funding allowance for micro entrepreneur?
- Changed address - do I need to fill in a new CFE form?
- Finding out how much I declared in Q1, Q2 and Q3
- auto-entrepreneur initial declaration of CFE
- Genuine mistake
- VAT clarification
- Numero de Securite Sociale regected by the URSSAF website
- Filling in URSSAF’s declaration de chiffre d’affaires
- TVA returns for an auto-entrepreneur with only non-French clients with a turnover over the limit.
- TVA - B2B EU member state countries
- RCS or not?
- Timing for setting up AE
- setting up a buying and selling business
- Can you give me some advice about becoming a middleman for a wholesaler?
- hiring freelancers as a micro entrepreneur What do I need to know? follow-up
- VAT threshold - prorata calculation
- Do I charge TVA for an Italian client?
- Correct codes/ descriptions
- hiring freelancers as a micro entrepreneur What do I need to know?
- Who is ChorusPro and why is it mandatory that we use them to invoice?
- How do I declare goods sold at a Marche aux Puces as a Professional Seller?
- UK customers paying in pounds into a UK bank
- Tax Identification Number or TIN?
October 2019
- Auto Entrepreneur - Low Income very high URSSAF cotisations
- When do I declare and pay my taxes?
- Prélèvement libératoire when you are a micro entrepreneur with ACRE
- Separate bank account necessary for LMNP?
- Difference between la Ram and Securite Sociale Independants
- Issue with addition of activity
- first declaration- auto entrepreneur
- Declaring income tax for 2019 etc
- I need to buy professional indemnity and public liability insurance
- Declaring foreign earned income in France
- TVA & VAT for profession liberale AE
- Making first micro entrepreneur declaration
September 2019
- Private transfers - VPR
- Income tax status confirmation
- Declaring unpaid invoice
- UK Secondment + auto-entrepreneur
- Income Declaration SNC
- Adding an extra service to an existing auto entrepreneur business
- Exemption from CFE for Artisans
- Still waiting for permanent social security number
- Defer invoices to my wife
- Accounting Software (Quickbooks, Freshbooks etc)
- Domiciliation address for micro entrepreneur
- Received payment from Transferwise / First Declaration etc
- Receiving payments via PayPal (what fee to declare)
- Food van
- First Income Tax Declaration
- First payment of CSFE
August 2019
- Multiple Activities - Impact on business registration
- Adding Location Voitures to my gite
- Change of Status for AE
- Changing from ME going over turnover threshold
- How do I modify/add additional activites to my K-Bis?
- How Many Tax Numbers?
- Paying the first contribution to URSSAF
- Didn’t realise I exceeded the TVA threshold, now what?
- Television Production work in UK, resident in France
- Husband joining business
- UK Citizens preparing for No Deal Brexit
- Adding activity on URSSAF as auto-entrepreneur
- First declaration and claiming business expenses
- boxes to complete declaration mensuelle
- Do pensioners pay lower cotisations if they set up an AE?
- livre de compte établissant la rémunération versée
- carte de séjour - change of status
July 2019
- Sources of income as auto-entrepreneur
- Protection of trade name
- Social Charges
- Cotisations avec option de réduction Cipav
- Online Declarations & Company Name
- Payments for setting up Auto/Micro Entrepreneur
- French - English Invoice Template
- VAT Number
- Bank account, invoicing and clients
- Turnover declaration with URSSAF - which declaration box to fill in
- Claiming TVA back on business expenses
- Can a micro entrepreneur use an address domiciliation?
- Transferwise bank details on french invoice
- Add Agent Commercial to existing micro entrepreneur
- Looking to get a loan or finance for a van
- Invoice, Currency, Bank transfer and Social Security number
- Property Rental Development
- Proof of conjoint
- first declaration
- First declaration of turnover
- Stopping my micro-entrepreneur business - How to?
- Making first turnover declaration to URSAAF
- How to declare revenue from YouTube videos?
June 2019
- Moving to the next regime
- TVA registration for an auto-entrepreneur with only non-French clients with a turnover over the TVA.
- What is the CIPAV? Does an auto-entrepreneur need to register with CIPAV?
- SIREN number not recognised by Insee site
- Setting up a bank account for auto entrepreneur
- Micro entrepreneur conjoint SSI and social security registration
- Livre des Achats and multiple activities
- Autorisation du proprietaire form
- Numero intra commuautaire de TVA
- déclaration sociale des indépendants
- Business run by spouse
- Carte de Sejour and Kbis for Auto-Entrepreneur
May 2019
- Declaration trimestrielle / social security number
- Auto entrepreneur application refused by URSSAF. Directed me to Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie ?
- TVA rate artisan
- Declaration of Sales or Services for Artisan?
- invoice numbering
- Conjoint Collaborator in Glamping/Camping Business and WebDeveloper
- Nom commercial for auto entrepreneur
- Getting CD distribution with FNAC
- Do I need to have a professional tax account as an auto-entrepreneur
- CCI say I’m paying too much social security?
- 2042K Declaration Preremplie Revenus 2018
- Temporary help
- Interest and dividends
- Tax ID and associated issues
- Income tax paid at source
- Tax declaration forms
- Cheque Emploi CESU
- form 2042 C Pro for micro entrepeneur
- First tax return
- First tax decleration for auto entrepreneur
- what to pay where….....
- Reaching turnover limit for no-TVA.
- Declarations with a new siret number
- Confused about social charges and income tax rate
- Changing my main activity to teachng
- Choosing the type of activity for Auto-entrepreneur
- 2018 tax declaration ( different sources of income).
April 2019
- How to get into my online tax return!
- reduced social charges
- Private Swimming pool maintenance
- Can an auto-entrepreneur claim for anything or get any tax free breaks?
- 2042 C pro form for auto entrepreneurs
- ARCE Assistance
- Paying quarterly social charges
- Question regarding Declaration Trimestrielle
- Confusion with ERP
- Applying for Auto Entrepreneur status while on a long term visa in France
- How to register for TVA and what TVA rates apply?
- is it better to be paid monthly instead of lump sums?
- Micro-entrepreneur + SAS
- Microentrepreneur and deductions
- Is the SPI course still compulsory?
- TVA auto entrepreneur
- Business loans for auto-entrepreneurs