Auto-entrepreneur business registration service

Summary: I've registered many hundreds of auto-entrepreneur businesses in France. You can be sure of fast and error free registration.
There are two options when it comes to starting a business in France as an auto-entrepreneur also called micro-entrepreneur:
- Register on your own with INPI, second-guessing tax options.
- Hire a professional like me to handle the process for you.
How does it work?
I've made it really easy, just fill in this form and I'll manage the auto-entrepreneur registration process for you - from start to finish. You'll get copy of your registration details and a Micro Entrepreneur Factsheet with your tax rates, key deadlines and key bodys you relate to.
Who can use the auto-entrepreneur service?
The auto-entrepreneur registration service is available for all activities. Whether you are providing manual services, buy-to-resell activities or consultancy services. For regulated manual activities "artisans" you will need to get your qualifications recognised in France by ENIC-NIRAC first. For artist registrations, use the same form, but we will register you as regime special BNC micro (make sure to write that you are an artist in the description).
Who can't use the service?
The micro entrepreneur registration service works for all non-regulated activities. Farming, artists and regulated trades, e.g. nurse, lawyer, accountant, vehicle rental etc., cannot register as auto-entrepreneurs.
Why use my auto-entrepreneur registration service?
First of, it's worth knowing I have been a professional business advisor since 2006 (and counting) and have helped many thousands of people start a business in France. That said, the main benefits of using my auto-entrepreneur registration service are:
- Being sure of registering your business 100% correctly.
- I manage the registration process from start to finish and sort out problems if they arise.
- No guessing or muddling through the online forms and tax options.
- Avoid delays and nasty surprises that registering incorrectly can cause.
- Follow up email series with tips on how to read your business documents and incoming postal mail.
- Save time and focus on your customers.
- Peace of mind.
The cost is 350 euros for your business registration, an email serie designed to help you sort out some of the letters relating to your registration. No business call included, this service is for people who have chosen to register a micro-entreprise. Clarificiations will be done by email if needed.
What do I have to do?
Here’s a step-by-step guide of what I do and what you need to do:
- You complete the Micro Entrepreneur registration form which sends me the information needed to register your business and kick start your health cover.
- I double check your form submission and confirm by email (within 24 hours) that I can register your business.
- You'll receive a quote for my services. Validate the quote to start the registration process.
- I'll email you a list of documents to prepare based on your activity. I'll provide some templates and how-to guides whenever necessary.
- I register your auto-entrepreneur business within 48 hours of receiving these documents.
- I send you a copy of the official auto-entrepreneur registration form called "Dépôt de Synthèse INPI" as well as a useful Micro Entrepreneur Factsheet recouping your business details, tax rates and options, timescale for declarations and important bodies you relate to such as for your health cover.
- You'll receive an invoice for my services payable by Stripre/credit card.
- I'll liaise with INPI/Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce for any further documents to be supplied, until we receive your "Synthèse INPI Validée" with your business ID number called SIRET number.
- You'll receive a copy of your busines papers called Attestation INSEE or Extrait KBIS usually within two weeks. You'll also start receiving letters from URSSAF, Impots and CPAM for your health cover. These attestations are confirmation that your business has been successfully registered. This is when my registration service ends.
- My automatic New Micro Entrepreneur email serie will help you understnad your business papers and handle some of these letters.
Not included
The micro entrepreneur registration service does not include the day-to-day running of your business such as: completing your first turnover declaration form, initial CFE form, creating your online accounts with URSSAF, Impots or Ameli/CPAM or going through the invoicing or bookkeeping rules.
I recommend joining the Manage Your Micro Entrepreneur group course for this. This course gives you instant access to how-to videos on all these topics + monthly live Q&As for 1 year + forum membership for 1 year.
If you have any questions whatsoever please contact me.
- URSSAF: Unions de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d'allocations familiales: The body collecting social charges.
- CPAM: Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie: Body handling the health cover for entrepreneurs and employees.
- INSEE: L'Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques. The national statistics bureau, i.e body holding the official business directory in France and creating your business ID number called SIRET number.
- INPI: Institut National de la Propriété Intelelctuelle. Body handling intellectual property in France, such as patents and tradmarks, as well as business registration, updates and closure.