Latest information for small businesses in France

How to get ACRE social charges exoneration in 2019

How to get ACRE social charges exoneration in 2019

Great news to start the New Year: The French Government has voted a social charges exoneration for all new businesses created in France in 2019. This means that you will benefit from lower social charges. ...

By Valérie Aston · 17 Jan 2019

Watch out for RGPD scam letters sent to entrepreneurs!

Watch out for RGPD scam letters sent to entrepreneurs!

Watch out for RGPD scam letters sent to entrepreneurs! Several customers have received this letter asking them to call this company, obviously trying to sell them a file to deal with RGPD ...

By Valérie Aston · 15 Nov 2018

How to pay your CFE-IFER tax - Avis de cotisation CFE

How to pay your CFE-IFER tax - Avis de cotisation CFE

You may have received an email from Direction Générale des Finances Publiques asking you to validate and pay your Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE). This is not a spam and you need to validate and pay this tax. ...

By Valérie Aston · 8 Nov 2018

Should I come out of the auto entrepreneur regime?

Should I come out of the auto entrepreneur regime?

The auto entrepreneur or micro-enterprise scheme allows for simplified registration. Based on your business development, you may consider switching to a different regime. ...

By Valérie Aston · 25 Jun 2018

Business incorporation tax reduced in France from 33% to 25%

Business incorporation tax reduced in France from 33% to 25%

Business incorporation tax in France called Impot sur les Sociétés will be reduced from 2018. Based on his election campaign, President Emmanuel Macron will steadily decrease the incorporation tax in France from ...

By Valérie Aston · 7 Sep 2017

New measures to boost small businesses in France

New measures to boost small businesses in France

The French government will be presenting its plan for small businesses in Dijon on 5th September 2017. Prime Minister Edouard Philippe will announce key measures to boost small businesses in France. ...

By Valérie Aston · 4 Sep 2017

Do I need a visa to start a business in France?

Do I need a visa to start a business in France?

The good news is that members of the European Union do not require any visa or titre de sejour in order to start a business in France. Things are slightly different for non European members ...

By Valérie Aston · 18 May 2017