Auto-entrepreneur businesses in France to get social charges reduction in 2015
Here's some unexpected, but good news for auto-entrepreneur businesses in France: social charges will be reduced on 1st January 2015. This small social charges reduction varies from 0.5% to 1.7%. ...
Auto-entrepreneur changes coming soon for businesses in France
Last June the French parliament adopted a new bill for small businesses in France which will reform the auto-entrepreneur system from 1 January 2015. Here's a summary of the main changes to come for auto-entrepreneurs. ...
Decennale insurance to become compulsory for auto-entrepreneurs
Decennale insurance: 10 year warranty to become compulsory for some auto-entrepreneurs registered as artisans. The Loi Pinel for small businesses published on 18th June 2014 plans to increase the requirements for ...
Online auto-entrepreneurs turnover declarations compulsory from October 2014
Auto-entrepreneurs can currently make their turnover declarations using or by post with forms sent by RSI/URSSAF. From 1st October 2014, auto-entrepreneurs with a turnover reaching 50% of the maximum ...
Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises tax (CFE) tax exemption ends
The endless debate on the Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises tax (CFE) is over: auto-entrepreneurs will have to pay CFE from their second year in business. The update was published on 26th June, as part of the 2014 ...
What is the Declaration Sociale des Independants 2013?
It's come up several times in the forum the past few weeks, so I thought I'd answer it here as well. Could you confirm please that an auto-entrepreneur does not have to complete the Declaration Sociale Des Independants ...
Pension rights for auto-entrepreneur businesses in France
We're all concerned about our pension and as a auto-entrepreneur in France you're entitled to one as well. However, you need to meet certain turnover thresholds. Here's a question about auto-entrepreneur business pension ...
Deadlines to complete your 2013 French income tax form
All paper declarations have to be sent back by 20th May 2013 at midnight. For online declarations the deadlines to return your French income tax are: 27th May for departments 01 to 19. 3rd June for departments 20 to 49 ...
How to complete your 2013 French income tax form 2042 CK PRO
You have to complete a French income tax form, Impôt sur le revenu, if you were a French resident in 2013 or if you had income from a French source in 2013, such as property rental, dividends, business income. ...
7 Tips to start a business in France
Market research is essential if your business is to succeed and meet your expectations. First thing to check is demand for you product or service, especially if you’re aiming local. Investigate competitor pricing, on and ...
Auto-entrepreneurs get an unexpected social charges increase
Last Friday FEDAE warned auto-entrepreneurs about an unexpected social charges increase that was passed in the 2013 Loi de Finance. This text was approved by decree on 27 December and published on 31 December. The ...
Proposed changes to the auto-entrepreneur and entreprise individuelle in 2014
This article summarises the findings of the Grandguillaume report on the proposed changes to the auto-entrepreneur regime in France. The report recommends that the entreprise individuelle business type should be ...
Summary of key changes for French businesses in 2014
The standard rate of 19,6% for most goods and services will increase to 20% on 1st January 2014. The reduced rate of 7% will increase to 10%. The reduced rate of 5.5% applicable to certain goods and services ...
How to complete Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises form 1447-C-K
If you have recently registered your business and received a Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises form from Impots, you maybe wondering if you need to complete and return it. I'm afraid the answer is yes. Impots needs the ...
What is Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE)?
Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE) is a small tax paid by businesses to local authorities (Chambre de Metiers / Chambre de Commerce / Town hall). It used to be called Taxe Professionnelle and can cost between ...