Latest information for small businesses in France

Auto-entrepreneur turnover limit to be introduced in 2015

Auto-entrepreneur turnover limit to be introduced in 2015

The Conseil des Ministres met yesterday and Sylvia Pinel presented the reform adopted by the government for the auto-entrepreneur regime. The key measure announced is the creation of intermediate turnover thresholds of ...

By Valérie Aston · 13 Jun 2013

Auto-entrepreneur limited to 2 years?

Auto-entrepreneur limited to 2 years?

Despite the recommendations of the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) and the Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), Sylvia Pinel, minister for Crafts, still plans to limit the auto-entrepreneur to 2 years for its ...

By Valérie Aston · 27 May 2013

How to complete your 2012 French income tax form 2042 CK PRO

How to complete your 2012 French income tax form 2042 CK PRO

You have to complete a French income tax form, Impôt sur le revenu, if you were a French resident in 2012 or if you had income from a French source in 2012, e.g. property rental, dividends, business income. ...

By Valérie Aston · 5 May 2013

Auto-entrepreneur time limit

Auto-entrepreneur time limit

Auto-entrepreneur businesses are facing uncertainty and maybe subject to a time limit of 5 years or less. Ms Fleur Pellerin, Minister Delegate with responsibility for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Innovation ...

By Valérie Aston · 16 Apr 2013

Deadlines to complete the 2012 French income tax form

Deadlines to complete the 2012 French income tax form

Several forum members are getting worried that they may have missed the deadline to complete their 2012 income tax form. So here is a summary of the key deadlines: paper declaration to be posted by 27th May at 12pm ...

By Valérie Aston · 13 Apr 2013

Registre Officiel is a scam

Registre Officiel is a scam

A new scam has been targeting new entrepreneurs for the last few weeks. As usual the promotional offer from Registre Officiel has been designed to look like to compulsory directory. The invoice sent by the Paris based ...

By Valérie Aston · 7 Mar 2013

Attestation de fourniture des déclarations sociales explained

Attestation de fourniture des déclarations sociales explained

You may have recently received a letter or email from URSSAF with an attestation confirming that you are up-to-date with your social charges declarations and payments. So that you can identify the letter I’m talking ...

By Valérie Aston · 25 Feb 2013

New auto-entrepreneur social charges in 2013

New auto-entrepreneur social charges in 2013

The auto-entrepreneur’s social charges rates increased on the 1st January 2013. A decree voted on 28th December has confirmed the new rates for the regime micro social are: Trade / commercial activities ...

By Valérie Aston · 3 Jan 2013

URSSAF SIRET and account numbers are changing

URSSAF SIRET and account numbers are changing

URSSAF is currently regrouping its offices into regional branches to provide better and localised customer services. From 1st January 2013, the twelve new regional URSSAF branches are: ...

By Valérie Aston · 1 Jan 2013

Template letter for auto-entrepreneurs to cancel 2012 CFE tax

Template letter for auto-entrepreneurs to cancel 2012 CFE tax

As mentioned in my latest article on Taxe Fonciere des Entreprises, the Govenment has confirmed that all auto-entrepreneurs will benefit from a CFE tax exemption for 4 years. This will therefore still apply to you if you ...

By Valérie Aston · 14 Nov 2012

Auto-entrepreneur changes in 2012

Auto-entrepreneur changes in 2012

The auto-entrepreneur’s regime has once again be put under the spotlight, further to a speech made on 5th June by Mrs Pinel, Ministre Délégée for Crafts, Trade and Tourism. While addressing the Assemblée Permanente des ...

By Valérie Aston · 12 Jun 2012

Notification de sortie de régime auto-entrepreneur

Notification de sortie de régime auto-entrepreneur

If you have recieved this notification from URSSAF it means your turnover is over the auto-entrepreneur threshold and that you will be moving to regime réel simplifié. Here is a brief explanation of what this means for ...

By Valérie Aston · 21 May 2012

How to complete your 2011 French income tax form (2042)

How to complete your 2011 French income tax form (2042)

We are getting closer to the deadline to complete and return our 2011 French income tax form called declaration des revenus 2011. If you have an auto-entrepreneur or a micro entreprise, then this article will help you ...

By Valérie Aston · 16 May 2012