New auto-entrepreneur social charges in 2013
The auto-entrepreneur’s social charges rates increased on the 1st January 2013. A decree voted on 28th December has confirmed the new rates for the regime micro social are: Trade / commercial activities ...
URSSAF SIRET and account numbers are changing
URSSAF is currently regrouping its offices into regional branches to provide better and localised customer services. From 1st January 2013, the twelve new regional URSSAF branches are: ...
Template letter for auto-entrepreneurs to cancel 2012 CFE tax
As mentioned in my latest article on Taxe Fonciere des Entreprises, the Govenment has confirmed that all auto-entrepreneurs will benefit from a CFE tax exemption for 4 years. This will therefore still apply to you if you ...
Auto-entrepreneurs still exempt of contribution-fonciere tax in 2012
The Contribution Fonciere Entreprises tax (CFE) formerly known as Taxe Professionelle, was so to date applicable to all auto-entrepreneurs and micro-entreprises from their third year in business. For instance a ...
Auto-entrepreneur changes in 2012
The auto-entrepreneur’s regime has once again be put under the spotlight, further to a speech made on 5th June by Mrs Pinel, Ministre Délégée for Crafts, Trade and Tourism. While addressing the Assemblée Permanente des ...
Notification de sortie de régime auto-entrepreneur
If you have recieved this notification from URSSAF it means your turnover is over the auto-entrepreneur threshold and that you will be moving to regime réel simplifié. Here is a brief explanation of what this means for ...
How to complete your 2011 French income tax form (2042)
We are getting closer to the deadline to complete and return our 2011 French income tax form called declaration des revenus 2011. If you have an auto-entrepreneur or a micro entreprise, then this article will help you ...
Attestation Fiscale 2011 sent to auto-entrepreneurs
What should you do with the attestation fiscale 2011 sent to you by URSSAF and RSI? And what will you need it for? The attestation fiscale 2011 certificates are being sent to auto-entrepreneurs, in order to confirm your ...
Fraud targeting French entrepreneurs reaches 6 billion euros
According to an article published in Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui en France, more than 50,000 entrepreneurs have been victims of a scam, making them believe they were contributing to their social charges. The scam could ...
Should you pay the Taxe d’Apprentissage bill sent by OCTA?
Many entrepreneurs have received a tax d’apprentissage bill from OCTA (Organismes Collecteurs de la Taxe d'Apprentissage). Should you be paying this bill and what does it cover? ...
How to ensure your customers pay your invoices in France
A couple of forum members recently came up against some sustomes who wouldn't pay their invoice. There is nothing worse as having worked hard, then having to chase customers for weeks on end for payment! But what can you ...
New laws impacting on your French business in 2012
A few changes were voted in the Loi de Finance rectificative and will have a direct impact on your French business in 2012. Here is a summary of the key changes including: new turnover threshold for micro entreprise ...
Penalty fees for auto-entrepreneurs
From 1st January 2012, auto-entrepreneurs and micro entreprises having opted for the micro-social regime will be liable to a new penalty fee, if they forget to complete their turnover declaration. Turnover declarations ...
Deadline: only a few days left for micro entreprise to switch to auto-entrepreneur in 2012
There are only a few days left for existing micro entreprise wishing to switch to the auto entrepreneur regime in 2012. As you may know, changing from one busines regime to the other has to be planned ahead by asking RSI ...
Auto-entrepreneurs not be liable to compulsory accountancy controls
I mentioned to you last week the amendement requested to the Loi de Finance 2011, in order to submit auto-entrepreneurs to compulsory accounting controls. According to this amendment, all auto-entrepreneurs in their ...