Latest information for small businesses in France

Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE) bill on its way

Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE) bill on its way

You will shortly receive a bill from the tax people for the Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE). This tax was introduced last year to replace the Taxe Profesionnelle. All French entrepreneurs with an entreprise ...

By Valérie Aston · 5 Nov 2011

Starting a business in France

Starting a business in France

You may be considering moving to France and starting a new business, but how to you get started? I recently wrote this article for Mum Abroad France, covering 13 interesting questions ranging from the first steps to take ...

By Valérie Aston · 2 Nov 2011

Auto-entrepreneur turnover threshold to increase in 2012

Auto-entrepreneur turnover threshold to increase in 2012

Auto-entrepreneurs' maximum turnover threashold will slightly increase in 2012. The new levels have just been published but still have to be voted by deputies and senators in the 2012 Loi de finance. ...

By Valérie Aston · 20 Oct 2011

10 scams aimed at French Entrepreneurs

10 scams aimed at French Entrepreneurs

I have come across two new scams this week aimed at new entrepreneurs: Registre APE and RSI France. So I though it was time to up-date my yearly list of well known scams and save you hassle and money. Most of these scams ...

By Valérie Aston · 18 Oct 2011

Should you switch to a different business type?

Should you switch to a different business type?

As we enter the last quarter of 2011 (or any final quater for that matter), it’s time to take a step back, get up to date with your book keeping and assess whether your current French business set up is still right for ...

By Valérie Aston · 12 Oct 2011

5 Reasons why your French business might fail

5 Reasons why your French business might fail

I’ve worked with hundreds of French and English entrepreneurs over the years, helping them set up, develop and market their business. What strikes me is that some entrepreneurs have had to close their business in the ...

By Valérie Aston · 28 Sep 2011

Coming out of the auto-entrepreneur: what next?

Coming out of the auto-entrepreneur: what next?

You have been in business as an auto-entrepreneur for a little while and are getting closer to the turnover threshold for 2011 or are forecasting to go over this limit in 2012. You may wonder when and how you are ...

By Valérie Aston · 26 Apr 2011

How does French income tax work and how much will I pay?

How does French income tax work and how much will I pay?

I often get asked this question, as well as how much French income tax will I pay? This is a tricky question to answer, as there are many variables relating to your personal situation. This article explains how the ...

By Valérie Aston · 16 Apr 2011

How to close a SARL or EURL in France

How to close a SARL or EURL in France

Limited businesses in France such as EURL or SARL have to abide to specific legal framework or rules for their registration as well as for their closure. In this article I have summarised the steps that will need to be ...

By Valérie Aston · 6 Apr 2011

Income tax: What is an Attestation Fiscale?

Income tax: What is an Attestation Fiscale?

We are getting closer to mid-April when the dreaded income tax forms called impots sur le revenu are being sent to French residents. For those of you having opted for the online declaration, the official starting date ...

By Valérie Aston · 3 Apr 2011

What is Siege Social and domiciliation?

What is Siege Social and domiciliation?

When registering a business in France, you will have to use a legal address for your business called siege social or headquarter. All business types whether entreprise individuelle, auto entrepreneur, SARL or EIRL have a ...

By Valérie Aston · 29 Mar 2011