Latest information for small businesses in France

Auto-Entrepreneurs can now become professional sellers on eBay

Auto-Entrepreneurs can now become professional sellers on eBay

Over the last few years eBay has been under a lot of pressure to clear the large number of sales made on its platform by professional sellers without any official business. eBay has been addressing this issue since ...

By Valérie Aston · 6 Nov 2010

23% of auto-entrepreneurs have legalised an existing activity

23% of auto-entrepreneurs have legalised an existing activity

An article recently published in La Tribune reveals that 23% of auto-entrepreneurs have legalised an existing activity thanks to the new auto-entrepreneur system. According to this report commissioned by Hervé Novelli ...

By Valérie Aston · 29 Sep 2010

10 tips to complete your auto-entrepreneur turnover declaration

10 tips to complete your auto-entrepreneur turnover declaration

As a reminder, auto entrepreneurs will only pay their social charges as and when they work. Therefore you should not pay any other calls for social charges or cotisation. If you receive an appel de cotisations from RSI ...

By Valérie Aston · 6 Sep 2010

Former Taxe Professionnelle or CET declarations postponed

Former Taxe Professionnelle or CET declarations postponed

As you may already know, the Taxe Professionnelle was abolished on 1st January 2010 and replaced by the Contribution Economique Territoriale (CET). This new tax includes the Cotisation sur la Valeur Ajoutée des ...

By Valérie Aston · 28 Apr 2010

Deadlines: Annual tax returns for French businesses

Deadlines: Annual tax returns for French businesses

Your business tax returns or “declarations fiscales annuelles” have to be completed by the second working day following 1st May, i.e the 4th May for 2010. Here is a list of the tax forms to be returned to Impots by 4th ...

By Valérie Aston · 26 Apr 2010

TIP: Auto-entrepreneurs beware of your turnover threshold

TIP: Auto-entrepreneurs beware of your turnover threshold

So for instance if you started your French business on 1st March 2010 as a marketing consultant, your maximum yearly turnover for this year is (32,100€ /12)*10= 26,750€ . URSSAF is pushing this calculation further by ...

By Valérie Aston · 20 Mar 2010

Card requested to sell on French markets

Card requested to sell on French markets

If you plan to sell goods on French markets you will require a carte de commerçant ambulant. This card used to be requested at the Préfecture. From now on, you will be able to request the carte commercant ambulan as and ...

By Valérie Aston · 11 Mar 2010

Is your brand or trademark already registered in France

Is your brand or trademark already registered in France

A quick and easy way to check if your brand name is already registered in France, is to check the INPI online database. Check out the recherche par nom de marque page and simply enter your brand name in the first box ...

By Valérie Aston · 7 Mar 2010

Entrepreneurs: beware of fake invoices

Entrepreneurs: beware of fake invoices

Every month seems to bring its quota of auto entrepreneurs scams. From paying auto entrepreneur registration sites to fake business directories. The latest scam is actually aimed at all types of entrepreneurs, including ...

By Valérie Aston · 27 Feb 2010