Latest information for small businesses in France

How much social charges will you pay

How much social charges will you pay

I've come across this useful online tool enabling would be entrepreneurs to calculate how much social charges they'll pay, according to their business type. Your social charges vary according to your business structure ...

By Valérie Aston · 22 Feb 2010

Cheap insurance for auto-entrepreneurs

Cheap insurance for auto-entrepreneurs

When setting up your business in France, it is crucial to cover yourself for damages you might cause or suffer from. Here are a few offers designed specifically for auto-entrepreneurs, starting from 15 euros per month ...

By Valérie Aston · 21 Feb 2010

Auto-entrepreneurs: When to make your first turnover declaration

Auto-entrepreneurs: When to make your first turnover declaration

All auto-entrepreneurs have a minimum delay of 90 days before having to make their first turnover declaration. If you have decided to make your declaration by post, just wait for the Declaration de chiffre d’affaires for ...

By Valérie Aston · 17 Feb 2010

Start Business in France is now on Facebook: Become a fan

Start Business in France is now on Facebook: Become a fan

I have been using Twitter for over a year now - Valerie_50 - and thoroughly enjoy it. It is a great way to find and share useful resources. So I guess there was only one step more to move onto Facebook with a fan page. ...

By Valérie Aston · 15 Feb 2010

How to finance your business in France

How to finance your business in France

Many English speaking entrepreneurs starting a business in France think that self financing their project is the only way to get the business of the ground. It may be true if your grasp of the French language is limited ...

By Valérie Aston · 9 Feb 2010

Minimum wage in France - SMIC

Minimum wage in France - SMIC

The minimum wage in France is called salaire minimum de croissance (SMIC), which stands for Salaire MInimum de Croissance. Since 1 January 2010 the SMIC is worth 8.86 euros per hour. This comes to a monthly gross salary ...

By Valérie Aston · 3 Feb 2010

Changes planned to the auto-entrepreneur regime in 2010

Changes planned to the auto-entrepreneur regime in 2010

The auto-entrepreneur regime is celebrating its first birthday and a few modifications are planned for 2010. No ground breaking changes, here is a summary: Turnover thresholds have been slightly increased to ...

By Valérie Aston · 17 Jan 2010

Who uses Start Business in France?

Who uses Start Business in France?

24,383 visits came from 128 countries/territories. 18,738 from France, 1917 from the UK, 1189 from the USA and 4456 visits from other countries. 48% of all visit were via search engines, 25% from referring sites and 27% ...

By Valérie Aston · 15 Jan 2010

Bonne Année 2010

Bonne Année 2010

Bonne année à tous les lecteurs de Start Business in France. Some of you might have already taken a new year’s resolution to move to France, others are working on making their move to France a success. Not an easy task ...

By Valérie Aston · 1 Jan 2010