Latest information for small businesses in France

How to change or close down your auto-entrepreneur business

How to change or close down your auto-entrepreneur business

If you have registered an auto-entrepreneur business in France and have decided to modify your main activity or to close the business down, you may now do so online. The forms have been added onto the official website ...

By Valérie Aston · 10 Oct 2009

Auto-entrepreneur profile by Ciel

Auto-entrepreneur profile by Ciel

Ciel, software provider for small and medium size businesses and subsidairy of Sage, has recently published a survey carried out on 817 auto-entrepreneurs using their solution Ciel Auto-Entrepreneur Facile. ...

By Valérie Aston · 8 Oct 2009

New phone number for auto-entrepreneur helpline

New phone number for auto-entrepreneur helpline

The national helpline number for auto-entrepreneurs changed on 3rd of August. The new number is 08 21 08 60 28 (indigo number - 0.12 euros TTC/min). Your questions are handled by RSI and Acoss (national body for URSSAF). ...

By Valérie Aston · 7 Aug 2009

Practical tips for e-commerce in France

Practical tips for e-commerce in France

If you are about to start an e-commerce in France, selling and shipping goods in France and abroad, you might have already realized that packaging and posting costs are more expensive than in the UK. You will have a ...

By Valérie Aston · 22 Jul 2009

Interest free loans and gurantees for your French business

Interest free loans and gurantees for your French business

It is getting more and more difficult for entrepreneurs to borrow money from the banks. Last week I mentioned the Prêt Création d’Entreprise (PCE) as the best scheme to guarantee your business loan, for business with an ...

By Valérie Aston · 22 Jun 2009

Auto-entrepreneur profile

Auto-entrepreneur profile

An up-dated profile of the auto-entrepreneur has been revealed by the Caravane des Entrepreneurs. Every year, this road show visit about 90 towns through France, Switzerland and Belgium to advise would be entrepreneurs ...

By Valérie Aston · 15 Jun 2009

What is a PCE (Prêt Création d’Entreprise) in France

What is a PCE (Prêt Création d’Entreprise) in France

As France is hit by recession it has become more difficult to borrow from banks to fund the starting up of a business. Banks try to limit their risk when investing in new businesses. However there are several schemes ...

By Valérie Aston · 9 Jun 2009

The French Paper launched today

The French Paper launched today

If you have been missing the French News, you will be pleased to hear that a new monthly national newspaper for English speakers was launched today. Available from all newsagents and supermarkets, The French Paper covers ...

By Valérie Aston · 27 May 2009

How to register a business to sell on French markets

How to register a business to sell on French markets

In order to sell on French markets you will need to get a carte de commerçant ambulant from the sous préfecture and register your business with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. So how do you go about getting this ...

By Valérie Aston · 20 May 2009

Auto-entrepreneur check list

Auto-entrepreneur check list

The new auto-entrepreneur scheme launched by the government last January has seen more than 2000 business registrations per day. But not only has it generated lots of interest, the scheme has also created a few problems. ...

By Valérie Aston · 16 May 2009