Latest information for small businesses in France

How to use chèque emploi in France

How to use chèque emploi in France

Chèque Emploi Service Universel (CESU) provides the employee with health insurance as well as points for their retirement plan. As the employer, you are covered if the employee had an accident at work. If the person you ...

By Valérie Aston · 12 Aug 2008

Where and how to register your business in France

Where and how to register your business in France

Many business activities registered with the Chambre de Métiers such as builder, hairdresser or electrician require a Brevet d’Etudes Professionnelles (BEP) or Contrat d’Apprentissage Professionnel (CAP), which are the ...

By Valérie Aston · 9 Jun 2008

How to start your business in France

How to start your business in France

No legal documents are required to set up an enterprise individuelle. It is registered in your name and your general income will be taxable to the income tax (impôt sur le revenu). If your spouse is working with you, he ...

By Valérie Aston · 26 May 2008

Free seminar: How to start your business in France

Free seminar: How to start your business in France

How to set up your business in France. Analysing your market potential. Choosing the legal and tax structure. Provisional plan and social charges. Which help could you benefit from (taxes exoneration, bank loans at ...

By Valérie Aston · 12 May 2008