Micro Entrepreneur : How to complete your 2019 income tax form 2042 C Pro
As a micro-entrepreneur, you still have to complete a French income tax form for 2019, even if you opted for impôt libératoire. Here is how. ...
As a micro-entrepreneur, you still have to complete a French income tax form for 2019, even if you opted for impôt libératoire. Here is how. ...
Completing a French income tax is always a challenging task and can be daunting if it is your first time. This article gives you a few tips to get you started. ...
Numero fiscal is your unique number with the tax office Impots. Here is how to request your numero fiscal online. ...
If you cannot apply for Fonds de Solidarite the alternative is to request Aide Sociale Excepetionnelle. Here is how. ...
Here is a video guide to help you request the 1500€ help for businesses in France impacted by Covid 19. ...
Gerard Dramanin, Minister of Action and Public Accounts announced on 31st March that the launch of the French income tax declaration campaign is postponed for ten days ...
Many business owners and freelancers are confused about the financial help for 1,500€ from Fond de Solidarité. Who can benefit from it, which proofs to provide? This article gives you more information. ...
Due to the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on economic activity, the Government has launched some exceptional measures to support French businesses. I have listed below the key measures announced ...
You may have received an email from the tax office of explaining the seven measures taken to support businesses and freelancers affected by Covid 19 in France. ...
You have moved to France or are travelling/studying in France and fancy staying longer while freelancing. What is the best way to do this? ...
If you created your business before 1st January 2019, your health cover recently moved to CPAM and you need to take some action. ...
A few changes were voted as part of the Loi de Finance 2020. Here are the key changes that will impact new or existing auto entrepreneurs. A quick reminder that auto entrepreneur and micro entrepreneur are the same thing ...
For new auto-entrepreneurs lost with their paperwork, I have designed an online training "How to manage your auto-entrepreneur set up paperwork". Get 20% off this training. ...
You have recently created an auto-entrepreneur and feeling lost with all the documents that you are receiving? Download my Auto Entrepreneur Paperwork Checklist ...
You might have heard the bad news that ACRE, the social charges exoneration given to new entrepreneurs had changed in 2020. It will indeed be harder to get and the exoneration will not be so interesting. ...