Latest information for small businesses in France

How to become a Freelancer in France

How to become a Freelancer in France

You have moved to France or are travelling/studying in France and fancy staying longer while freelancing. What is the best way to do this? ...

By Valérie Aston · 12 Mar 2020

Changes impacting auto entrepreneurs in 2020

Changes impacting auto entrepreneurs in 2020

A few changes were voted as part of the Loi de Finance 2020. Here are the key changes that will impact new or existing auto entrepreneurs. A quick reminder that auto entrepreneur and micro entrepreneur are the same thing ...

By Valérie Aston · 18 Feb 2020

Auto Entrepreneur set up - Paperwork Checklist

Auto Entrepreneur set up - Paperwork Checklist

You have recently created an auto-entrepreneur and feeling lost with all the documents that you are receiving? Download my Auto Entrepreneur Paperwork Checklist ...

By Valérie Aston · 12 Feb 2020

ACRE - Social charges exoneration in 2020

ACRE - Social charges exoneration in 2020

You might have heard the bad news that ACRE, the social charges exoneration given to new entrepreneurs had changed in 2020. It will indeed be harder to get and the exoneration will not be so interesting. ...

By Valérie Aston · 27 Jan 2020

Subscribe to my monthly newsletter

Subscribe to my monthly newsletter

Have you created a French business recently or thinking about doing so in 2020? If so, make sure you keep up-to-date with news and changes which could impact your business. ...

By Valérie Aston · 27 Dec 2019