The auto-entrepreneur’s regime has once again be put under the spotlight, further to a speech made on 5th June by Mrs Pinel, Ministre Délégée for Crafts, Trade and Tourism. While addressing the Assemblée Permanente des Chambres de Métiers de l'Artisanat (APCMA - Permanent Assembly of Chambre de Metiers), Ms Pinel said that auto-entrepreneurs created unfair competition for artisans and that adjustments will be made after an assessment by the government. This refered to the statements made by M. Hollande for the presidential election campaign.
According to Mr Griset, president of the APCMA, the auto-entrepreneur was set up without consulting professional bodies, resulting in many difficulties for existing businesses. The auto-entrepreneur allows the legalisation of concealed work with no real regulation while providing specific benefits, that results in distortions of competition.
In a recent interview to L’Entreprise Magazine*, M. Griset mentioned 3 ways to adjust the auto-entrepreneur regime:
- Exclude crafts activities from the auto-entrepreneur.
- Impose the same fiscal and social charges.
- Restrict the auto-entrepreneur status for one year, to get started, then forcing the small entrepreneur to switch to a standard regime, i.e. entreprise individuelle under regime reel simplifie.
The Figaro Economie** confirmed last week that the FEDAE, the national association for auto-entrepreneurs would meet-up with Ms Pinel by the end of June, in order to talk about adjustments to bring the auto-entrepreneur regime.