Ciel, software provider for small and medium size businesses and subsidairy of Sage, has recently published a survey carried out on 817 auto-entrepreneurs using their solution Ciel Auto-Entrepreneur Facile.
This survey confirms that the auto entrepreneur tends to be a 40 year old man providing services. The auto-entrepreneur scheme is a good match for services as these activities tend to require less investments, may not require an office and fit in with the maximum turnover threshold of 32,000 euros per year.
What is very interesting is that 62% of these auto-entrepreneurs started their business without carrying out a business plan, a market research or asking for external advice. 55% self financed their new business with 500 euros or less. So not so surprisingly the issues encountered included finding customer (43%) and calculating their selling price (19%).
Finally the survey confirms that existing auto-entrepreneurs work with a limited number of clients of have a limited number of sales, as 80% of them issued less than 10 invoices per month.
Download the full auto-entrepreneurs survey (in French) : 1et baromètre Ciel Auto-Entrepreneur.
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