What should you do with the attestation fiscale 2011 sent to you by URSSAF and RSI? And what will you need it for?
The attestation fiscale 2011 certificates are being sent to auto-entrepreneurs, in order to confirm your turnover declared in 2011 to RSI/Urssaf. This information will in turn have to be added onto your 2011 income tax form called Impot sur le revenu. You will still have to add your yearly turnover on your income tax form, even if you have opted for the income tax paid at source called impot liberatoire or micro fiscal. Impots will need this infomration to assess your overall household income. This in turn will be used by CAF for instance to assess your quotient familial and therefore the child or housing allowances you may be entitled to.
The income tax forms impot sur le revenu will be sent later this month. I will keep you posted on how to enter your business income onto this form.