Businesses switching to régime micro social: 1st declaration by 15th May

By Valérie Aston on 28 April 2009 · Viewed 3183 times · Questions

You will need to go back to the official auto entrepreneur website and go to s’incrire pour declarer et payer. Follow the process to enter your SIRET number and personal details, as well as the IBAN number for your business bank account. Once you validate this registration, you will have to complete and send a copy of the autorisation de prélèvement to your bank, to enable automatic bank transfers when you will declare your turnover.

After completing the online registration to declare and pay, you should be able to make your first turnover delaration within 24 hours. Go back to the auto entrepreneur site and click on declarez et payez. Log in and enter your quarterly turnover, before validating the percentage of social charges and proceding to the bank tranfer.

Valerie Lemiere: Start Business in France

About the author: Valérie Aston

I've been helping people who want to start or already have a small business set up in France since 2009. After graduating from a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, I worked as a senior marketing consultant in the UK and France for various International companies. I worked as a conseillère en création d'entreprises (senior business advisor) for BGE here in France and run this independent business on a daily basis.