Deadlines to complete your 2013 French income tax form

By Valérie Aston on 1 May 2014 · Viewed 3467 times · Questions

All paper declarations have to be sent back by 20th May 2013 at midnight. For online declarations the deadlines to return your French income tax are:

  • 27th May for departments 01 to 19.
  • 3rd June for departments 20 to 49 (inc. Corsica).
  • 10th June for departments 50 to 976.

You will only be able to declare your 2013 French income tax online, provided you have already completed at least one paper declaration for your 2012 income tax. You will need several references from your 2012 declaration, including numéro fiscal, numéro de télédéclarant and revenu fiscal de référence.

Valerie Lemiere: Start Business in France

About the author: Valérie Aston

I've been helping people who want to start or already have a small business set up in France since 2009. After graduating from a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, I worked as a senior marketing consultant in the UK and France for various International companies. I worked as a conseillère en création d'entreprises (senior business advisor) for BGE here in France and run this independent business on a daily basis.