How to complete your taxe professionnelle form

By Valérie Aston on 12 December 2009 · Viewed 4655 times · Questions

The taxe professionnelle form looks like your worst administrative nightmare. Even with a good level of French, you might struggle to complete it. The fact is that most French entrepreneurs call their accountant, as soon as they get the taxe professionnelle form! You might also have heard that this taxed was going to be cancelled, so how comes you have received the dawn thing!

The law to scrap the Taxe Professionnelle has not been voted yet, and most local authorities are seriously opposed to it, as it is a main source of revene for them. I will keep you posted as and when the new law is voted. In the meantime, here are a couple of tips to complete your form for new businesses.

Will you pay any Taxe Professionnelle this year?

  • All businesses are exempt from taxe professionnelle in their 1st calendar year,
  • Auto entrepreneurs are exempt from taxe professionnelle if they have opted for “impôt libératoire” or “régime micro fiscal”, i.e. income taxe paid at source,
  • Businesses based in Zone Franche Urbaine or Zone (ZFU) will benefit from a 5 year exoneration,
  • Businesses based in Zone de Revitalisation Rurale (ZRR) will also benefit from a 5 year exoneration.

Taxe professionnelle and auto entrepreneurs

Auto entrepreneurs having registered in 2009, will received their “Declaration de taxe professionnelle 2010” form. As a new business, you will have automatically benefited from the 1st year exoneration in 2009. The form you are being asked to complete is to assess your taxe professionnelle for 2010. Even though this tax is supposed to be cancelled in 2010!

Auto entrepreneurs having opted for “impot liberatoire” or income tax paid at source, will benefit from a 3 year exoneration of taxe professionnelle. However, you STILL need to complete and return the form. Simply check your business details to ensure that they are correct, then complete as follow:

  • section A2, tick “creation d’etablissement”
  • section B: enter your 2009 turnover in box 4 or 6,
  • in box 22 add when you created your autoentrepreneur business
  • sign and return the form to Impots

In doubt, call in at the Impots or your local Tresorerie, they will guide you through the form.

Valerie Lemiere: Start Business in France

About the author: Valérie Aston

I've been helping people who want to start or already have a small business set up in France since 2009. After graduating from a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, I worked as a senior marketing consultant in the UK and France for various International companies. I worked as a conseillère en création d'entreprises (senior business advisor) for BGE here in France and run this independent business on a daily basis.