New: Free 5-day Freelance in France Challenge

By Valérie Aston on 26 April 2023 · Viewed 1054 times · Questions

If you’ve been thinking about moving to France and giving freelancing a go, read on! I’ve just designed a free 5-day challenge called Let's Freelance In France Challenge. It's here to help you decide whether freelancing in France could be an opinion for you.

Who is the Let’s Freelance in  France Challenge for

So far in your career, you might have:

  • Worked as an employee, with no opportunity to take this job over to France.
  • Taken some time off to raise your children and think about working again. 
  • Been freelancing in your home country and want to carry on once in France.
  • Pre-retired and wanting to generate a top-up income once you come to France.  

It’s exciting and stressful at the same time, simply because:

  • You’re too busy with your day job to work on this freelancing idea.
  • You’ve heard horror stories about freelancing in France.
  • Your friends & colleagues tell you that you are nuts to think about moving to a new country AND starting a business.
  • Each time you do some research online you come out confused and deflated.

If that sounds familiar, you are in the right place!

With the Let’s Freelance in France Challenge, I’m here to help you make the first decisions on your potential project. All you have to do is to commit to dedicating 1 hour of your day over the next 5 days to watch the challenge video, brainstorm your ideas or take some notes on your project.

Here’s how Let’s Freelance in France Challenge works

  • Enrol for this free challenge here.
  • Book 1 hour per day for this challenge in your agenda. 
  • Check your email box for your daily challenge message.
  • Watch the video, download the workbook, brainstorm away, and make some notes.
  • On Day #5 you’ll be able to make a first decision: Oui, non or maybe. 

Sign up for the free Let’s Freelance in  France Challenge here.

Why can I help you with this challenge

For 10 years I work as a business advisor to French entrepreneurs. Every month, I would help 20 new people wanting to start freelancing, open a shop or create a small business. With each of them, I would assess where they stood, clarify their idea and start supporting them to create a srong business and financial plan. Most of them were looking for a bank loan, so let's just say that their business and financial plans were solid. Nowadays, I'd say "fit for a business visa or carte de sejour application".

With Start Business in France, I've been helping expatriates create and manage their business in France for over 13 years. But somehow I assumed that everyone already had a business idea. Obviously, this isn't the case... And quite often, if you have an idea, you may not be feeling 100% sure about it. Will will work? Will I get bored? Will it work for a business visa application?

This is when I decided to put together a quick 5-day challenge to help you get through this first hurdle, get over the brainstorming stage and get your project started.

I've had fun creating this challenge (as it reminded me of the courses I used to do locally) and I hope that you will enjoy it too. 

Sign up for the free Let’s Freelance in  France Challenge here.

New: Free 5-day Freelance in France Challenge

Valerie Lemiere: Start Business in France

About the author: Valérie Aston

I've been helping people who want to start or already have a small business set up in France since 2009. After graduating from a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, I worked as a senior marketing consultant in the UK and France for various International companies. I worked as a conseillère en création d'entreprises (senior business advisor) for BGE here in France and run this independent business on a daily basis.