As mentioned in a previous post, there has been a disagreement between the Government and CIPAV, which prevented the professions libérales from registering as auto-entrepreneurs. This issue has finally been settled and the law enabling the professions libérales to opt for the regime micro fiscal has been published in the Journal Officiel on 18th February 2009.
If you were planning to register as a consultant, fitness coach or translator you can therefore proceed to your registration online or by going to the Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE) at your local URSSAF office.
Alphabetical list of activities affiliated to CIPAV
map of activities affiliated to CIPAV
As a reminder, social charges will represent 18.3% of your turnover. If you decide to opt for the regime micro fiscal, your income tax will represent an additional 2.2% of your turnover.
Source : art.34 de la loi n°2009-179 17th February 2009, Journal officiel 18th February 2009