2017 Cotisation Fonciere Enterprise Form 1447-C-K - question 27 Section C?

· Viewed 1373 times

I have read your very helpful blog entry regarding the completion of the cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) form and read other
members questions relating to this but I am unable to find the answer to question number 27 in Section C which is no doubt a new question.

Q. Pour les biens beneficiant de la reduction prevue a l’article 1518A bis di CGI, indiquer le pourcentage
de reduction (100,75,50 ou 25) et la 1re annee d’entree du bien dans la base d’imposition.

There are 2 options in the answer section:

  1. Pourcentage de reduction and/or
  2. 1st annee d’entree du bien

I work from home and have no other business premises. I started my business on 1 October 2016 but have not yet traded.

That aside, I do not know if this question relates to the CFE discount for the first year of operation or another type of discount?

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