CFE Form - Declaration Cotisation Form 751-SD

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I understand most of the CFE declaration cotisation form, but there are two parts in section 1, that I am unsure about what to enter.

  1. Date effective de début d’activité : Is this the date the micro regime was set up ie 14th Dec 2017 or the date of the first work undertaken 12th Jan 2018?
  2. Date de clôture du premier exercise : I originally thought this was the first work undertaken,  but a quick google translation showed I was way off by saying its the end date of the first fiscal year? 

Can you help on the correct information to put in these two spaces please.

Also I note on the memento fiscal that was attached with it, they have put a different Activité Principale and it is down as Autre services personnels (code 9609Z)  is this because my husband does not carry out his work on site, so the house is just classed as administrative?


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