Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises Declaration (CFE) - Form 751-SD

· Viewed 1524 times

I recently registered as an auto-entrepreneur (profession libérale) and have received the Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE) form 751-SD to fill out and return to SIE. I am a bit confused about the following points and wondered if you could help:

1. the Date du clôture du premier exercice. I registered as an auto-entrepreneur on 08/03/2018. From reading around online it seems that there might be the possibility to set the date du clôture as the end of the year after the year of registration, so 31/12/2019. Is this correct (for professions libérales) and would there be any advantage in doing so? Or would it be better to set the date du clôture as 31/12/2018?

2. I am renting a furnished apartment in Paris direct from the owner and work from home. I am not sure how to respond to the following question:
Si vous êtes loueur en meublé, précisez la nature du locale loué.

  • Local d’habitation personnelle loué à titre de gite rural (clearly not this)
  • Local d`habitation personnelle classé “meublé de tourisme” (unlikely, since it’s an annual contract)
  • Local d’habitation personnelle loué meublé autre que ceux visés aux 1. et 2. de l’article 1459 du CGI (looks like it’s most likely this)
  • Autre local loué meublé (probably not but just want to be sure)

Many thanks indeed for your help.

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