First auto-entrepreneur turnover declaration form

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My husband is an auto-entrepreneur in France and has his first RSI quarterly turnover declaration formtrimestrielle declaration to complete. I assume for Jan to March, as it has to be returned to them by 30 April. 
There are 3 lines to complete:

  • Ventes de Marchandises
  • Prestations de services
  • Formation de artisan obligatoire

As he is a handyman, so buys materials to suit the job, he puts these on the facture on a seperate line to his labour charges.  Is the material costs put against the ventes de marchandises,  and the labour cost against prestations de services - or is everything put against the prestations de services? 

I assume the total of the first 2 is put into the line of formation de artisan obligatoire?  Also, can this be completed online now?  and if so would we be able to pay what is due by card at the same time?

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