Income tax at source Micro Entrepreneur - versement liberatoire de l’impot sur le revenu
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· Viewed 436 times
I paid this recently (and have been paying this for a long time now)
Versement liberatoire de l’impot sur le revenu (prestations bnc) 2,20 %
We live in DOM (La Reunion)
I assumed for a long time this was the income tax auto deduction. But a few months ago, I was sent a paper saying something was due for my income tax and there was even a fine along with it for a delay.
To give more context, my wife has a job as a teacher at French schools. So we also declare many things and pay taxes at the end of the year. Now I also see auto-debit from our bank account every month (which I am not sure how to see details about or verify)
All of this is making my head spin.
I sincerely appreciate any insights and clarity you can bring to this.