Use secondary address for SASU business in France?

· Viewed 1468 times

I’ve been involved in the process of establishing an société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle (SASU). My primary address is in the 91, but I have a secondary address, a pied de terre in the Paris 18th. I contacted the local chambre of commerce (18th) and they said it was okay to utilise this address as my company address.

The Greffe rejected this after submitting my M0 form stating that I can only use my primary address as the business address because my secondary is a residence and not a commercial address. I was informed I would have to void my application in Paris and restart the process in Essonne or utilise a domiciliation d’entreprise as far as I can tell, it’s renting an address and mailbox! Is this true or do I indeed need to start the process over in the 91?

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