A few questions about the auto entrepreneur program

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I’ve lived in France for the last four years, but I work for a company in Canada. It’s an internet-based company, and they pay me by putting money into my paypal account, which I then withdraw into my French bank account. The company does not provide any pay slips or anything else.. and they are obviously not registered in France. Since I try to be honest, every year I travel to the third circle of hell at the hotel d’impot to try and figure out where to pay taxes.  Canada considers me a tax resident because all my assets are there, family is there, etc.

But now, I am buying a house in France and my daughter is starting Maternelle here… so Canada no longer claims me as a tax resident since I now have more ties in France then Canada. So this leaves me in a bad situation, because according to the hotel d’impot people, France doesn’t really have the tax setup to handle this scenario. Where I work for a foreign company with no documentation at all. There is no other income on the French tax return.

I just read about the Auto Entrepreneur program, and perhaps it is the answer. What I’m thinking is I can register as a computer programmer in the auto-entrepreneur program… and then send invoices to the Canadian company for what I am owed.

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