Acces to Assurance Maladie for President SAS and spouse

· Viewed 491 times

We are in the process of setting up a SAS of which my husband (who has Dutch and American nationality) will be president and I will be associé (I cannot be a “director” because the immigration office still has not issue a permis-de-sejour and I only have American nationality).

1. Is my understanding correct that according to the new law (effective since 2016), the SAS President can gain access to the the medical insurance system even if not salaried (or salaried Euro1 only) (though without salary the President will then evidently not benefit from “cotisations sociales” in case of illness) ?

2. Is my understanding correct that I myself can also gain access to assurance maladie in the capacity of “conjoint associé”?

3. Once the SAS has been registered, where do we submit for medical insurance? At the local CPAM office?

Thanks. Linda

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