ACCRE in France - social charges exoneration?

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I have been granted the ACCRE for my new auto-entrepreneur business in France as conseil de gestion however the letter I have received from URSSAF states that I have been exonerated for 12 months of cotisations obligatoire d’allocations familiales, sur la partie de votre revenus professional inférieure ou égale à 120% du SMIC. La CSG et CRDS ainsi la CFP restent dues.

I was under the impression the letter should tell me that my cotisations for the 3 first trimestres would be 5.3%, the next 4 at 10.6% etc. I have phoned URSSAF and they say the letter is correct and everyone only gets 12 months exoneration - I thought this system changed after the 1st of May as it was not compatible with auto-entrepreneur. My husband has the ACCRE and his letter is not like mine at all. Has anyone else been awarded ACCRE recently - I am a profession liberale with CIPAV, and got a similar response?

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