Activites as part of micro-entrepreneur: artist and gite
· Viewed 1260 times
In March you registered our gîtes/chambre d’hôtes business for me. Around the same time I registered myself with URSSAF as an artist, as I needed to have registration to obtain 3rd party insurance so that I could reserve a place on a local market.
My artist business ‘landed’ first and I received the SIREN/SIRET numbers. When the gîtes business was registered the same SIREN/SIRET were used and the activity was modified to the gîtes.
I have received the form from URSSAF for the declaration trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires and the activities listed on it seem to refer to my art business.
I want to cease the chambre d’hôte activity and just operate as a gîte (which requires no registration here).
My initial questions are:
- Is there any way to see which activities are attributed to me as a micro-entrepreneur?
- If I cease the chambre d’hôte activity will my SIREN/SIRET automatically revert to my artistic activity?
- Why does the URSSAF declaration form seem to refer to my art income not the chambre d’hôte income - should I receive 2?
- I understand that it is a requirement to have a separate bank account - is that per micro-entrepreneur or per activity?
Many thanks!