ADAPT compulsory accessibility programme for gites?

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I have four holiday gites in France registered at my home address, they are declared at the local marie as ‘Meuble des vacance’. We have in fact an old farm property with converted out buildings. I am registered as an auto entrepreneur and have been for six years now. As such I seem to be subject to the occasional ‘scam’ and have in fact fallen for one or two of them, through being too trusting or just ignorant of what is a real requirement here in France and what is just a convincing ‘con’. Thankfully I am now pretty good at spotting things of this nature.

Today however I have received a letter from ADAP, which is either a scam, or as I hope something that doesn’t actually apply to owners of rental gites.

It claims to require that I complete a diagnostic via the internet for which I must pay a fee and then be subject to a programme of converting my gites to make them ‘accessible to all’ in the same way that bibliothèques, écoles, universités, hôtels, restaurants and high street shops must apparently be.

There is mention that this applies to 5ème catégorie buildings, not sure what this means but cant believe that my gites would be in the same category as such commerces. I have looked for similar questions from your other members and there dont seem to be any, so am hoping that this means that its all either just another scam or a mistake and doesn’t apply to us.

Please help with some advise as soon as possible because the letter gives me just seven days to respond before hitting me with 1500 euro fine.

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