Add my husband onto RSI in France via my business?

· Viewed 1523 times

I have registered with régime social des indépendants (RSI) for health cover here in France. In a letter received from RSI it says my conjoint (which I take to mean my husband) can opt to transfer from caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM) to RSI.

  1. Is this necessary and advisable?
  2. If it is necessary for him to transfer to RSI, the document I found on the RSI web site is: Demande de reattachment d’un assure sans activity au regime d’assurance maladie de son conjoint, partneraire PACS ou concubine. Is this the correct form?

Note that in my micro-entrepreneur business registration form my husband is named as a beneficiary to my assurance maladie. I would have thought that this information is automatically passed on to RSI and that nothing further had to be done on my part.

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