Adding Chambre d’hote to auto-entrepreneur
Hi Valerie,
I have a few questions. My partner is registered as an auto entrepreneur and market trader.
1. We would like to add a B&B bedroom to this this summer, is it possible to offer classes as well? He was a chef in the UK for 25years and a number of people here have asked him for cookery lessons i.e. how to bake bread, cakes etc. what does he have to do to be able to do this? Can he offer it to B&B guests AND also members of the public who are not staying with us?
2. Also, in our area there are a few people who hold ,dinner evenings in their home. The guests pay a set amount and come and eat at the table with the family, like a dinner party but the guests pay a fee. Can you tell me if this is possible also and what we would have to do? The people in question are neither chefs or operate a B&B, they simply do this once a month.
3. Is it possible to offer to pick guests up from the airport, let them stay with us and take them to a different place each day i.e. like a sort of all inclusive holiday. What would we need to do for this?