Adding health beneficiaries onto a micro entrepreneur: Ayant droit rights
· Viewed 1433 times
I am completing a micro entrepreneur registration as a profession liberale to teach english. This will be my only “profession” in France, under the micro-entrepreneur system. However, the registration document (PO PL) does not provide me with the option to include my husband as ayant droit for health cover. My husband has been ayant droit under my social security number - under the regime générale, for the past 16 years.
- Can my husband continue to be ayant droit with my registration under the under the profession liberale system? Am I able to get his rights transferred from the régime général to the URSSAF system?
- Currently one of my children is also covered under my social security number, as she is a university student in another european university. CPAM mutated her to have health rights under my social security number during the period of her studies. Will she lose this right with my transfer to URSSAF? Or is there a way that I can continue to provide her with health cover under my social security number?