Advice on best business set up in France?

· Viewed 1610 times

Firstly, we already have a micro-enterprise business for chambre d’hote in France. I am also about to start a business offering software solutions and I currently offer hardware engineering solutions, most of my clients are from outside France. I would like to know the best way to reduce my tax liability.

I believe from reading your forums that the best way forward may be an société par actions simplifiée (SAS) for the software paying only dividends as this generates most income. I was hoping that I might also be able to create a micro-enterprise for the hardware company to end to me have an income whilst waiting for dividends to be paid.

The hardware company is unlikely to exceed the threshold of 32,000 euros whereas the software company is more likely to be 100,000 per annum. The software company however may not have any work once the initial two years contract is completed.

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