AE - How to declare for ‘sous-location’ of ‘local professionnel non meublé’

· Viewed 554 times

As a micro-entreprise, profession libérale, I sublet a place that I rent (bail professionnel, non-meublé).

As I understand, I have to declare this as BNC:

Les profits réalisés par des personnes qui sous-louent à des tiers des immeubles dont elles sont locataires n’entrent pas dans la catégorie des revenus fonciers. Ils relèvent, d’une manière générale, de celle des bénéfices non commerciaux (cf. III).

Toutefois, si la sous-location est consentie en meublé, les loyers ont le caractère de revenus commerciaux.

My question is:
- over the past year, I did not declare the income from the ‘sous-location’ to URSSAF in the monthly declarations. Should I have? Should I also have established invoices for this income? What to do now if indeed I should have done all of this?
- As professionel libérale, all of my activity is BNC. Should I just add the amount received from the sous-location to the amount already declared to URSSAF over the past year?

Thank you!

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