Auto-entrepreneur on-line registration trouble

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After plenty of thought and deliberation I decided the auto-entrepreneur was the one for me. I watched your video and very good it was, went through everything OK. Got my passport scanned ready to send, clicked on the button for online application and it gave me a pdf document of my application. Now before anyone says it, I did press the online application button. Anyway, I didn’t get an email confirming my application, (does it arrive straight away?) so I thought maybe it didn’t work as it should have done. So I started again. This time upon submission it told me I can’t apply as I have already applied, so maybe it did work. So what do I do with this pdf document. There are two copies. One for me and one for them. Do I sign one and send it off to someone with a copy of passport? if so to who and where? Or do I wait to see if I get an email over the next few days and reply with my scanned passport?

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