Am I a commercant or profession liberale?

nicole s
· Viewed 1902 times

I am still struggling to make sense of French paperwork and have been registered as as AE since last July. When I filled out the online form as an Auto-Entrepreneur, I registered as a Professiona Liberale. My main activity voyance, autres services personnels APE 9609Z. It appears I may be a Commercant however. On my declaration Trimestelle (via net-entreprise) it says at the top that I am Regime micro-social simplifie and then on the following line says: MME SALAMATE NICOLE/Siret No and Commercant. I pay 23.5 for social charges and tax.

On my Attestation Fiscale 2011 again it says Regime Micro Social Simplifie. RSI is whom I make payments to and my Regime Fiscal is Prestations BIC/BNC. I am assuming therefore I am a Commercant and not Professional Liberale and wonder if my business therefore needs to be registered with Chambres de Commerce? Another reason I need to be sure is that when as a family we have to make quarterly declarations to the Caisse Allocations Familliales, I have been given them 66% of my total turnover, but I believe if I am a Commercant I should declare 71% of my earnings!. Many thanks as always for the excellent service offered.

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