Am I entitled to PUMA if I’m receiving a salary from the UK?

· Viewed 938 times


I’m French and British. I have a limited company in the UK which I’ve been using to pay myself a salary while I waited for the end of the three month period to ask for PUMA (CPAM based on residency).

I’m now wondering if I’m entitled to PUMA if I’ve been receiving a salary from a UK company and have been in France for 3 months.  I’ve been trying to reach CLEISS for answer for three days to no avail.

The other option I’ve looked at (which is my medium term plan) is setting up an auto-entreprise but have been told I need a numero de Securit´e Sociale. The only way for me to get that apparently would be to sign up at Pole Emploi (meaning I have to declare I’m unemployed and I have to go through the whole process of applying for financial support - checked this on their helpline) I’d rather avoid that.

I’m trying hard to stick with the simplest option. Would you know what the best process is?

Thank you!

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