An urgent problem when declaring income tax

· Viewed 875 times

Hi Valerie,

Thank you for your help regarding my last post on declaring income tax as a household. I was just trying to declare it online now and I have met a new issue and I don’t know what to do about it so I decided to clarify with it before going forward.

Like you said, my husband’s salary at the tabac shop has automatically been filled in at ‘Traitements et salaires connus’ 1AJ box. Then I saw another box below ‘Autres revenus imposables Chômage, préretraite’ 1BP box under my name as declarant 2 is filled in automatically with a 7K euros - which is to my surprise as I have never known or received this amount of money anywhere in 2019. I opened up the window and it says the money is from ‘POLE EMPLOI CENTRE VAL DE LOIRE’ and the money is under ‘Montant du revenu Imposable’ under a siret number that is also unknown to me. In my first year in France in 2018 I was unemployed with 0 income until I started ME in July 2019 but I never knew or applied for any benefits from pole emploi so I don’t know where this money comes from. What should I do with this? Should I leave this 7K as it is that is automatically filled in that box ( although I have never applied or received the money ) or should I change it to 0 amount? I do not wish to be charged for the money I didn’t received.

Additionally, in my box under ‘Traitements et salaires connus’ 1BJ - should I leave it blank or should I put in 0? When I put in 0 amount it asked for my siret number and my employee in which I don’t have apart from the one from my ME so should I just leave it blank?

This is a little urgent as the deadline is reaching but I really thank you so much if you could help me with this!



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