APE code for artist, designer and painting classes?

· Viewed 1720 times

We recently asked you about changing my husband’s business APE to 74.10Z (Activités spécialisées de design) and adding a secondary activity 85.59B (autres enseignements) along with eventually registering him as an artiste libre to sell his paintings. However, today, we worked with someone locally who advised us to list his activity as creation of artistique relevant des arts plastiques to cover the book design, teaching and selling. My concern here was whether that would impact his ability to register as artiste libre as well and/or whether it would impact his ability to earn up to 8,000 euros in art-sales on top of the 32,900 euros available to professionals in his scheme.

We’d like to know which situation makes the most sense in this case. Keeping the paintings separate would seem ideal in the long run, but would this category of arts plastiques make that impossible?

He is now considering having a gallery within our home in France. It would be open to visitors and be the location of the painting workshops he intends to start. Does this impact the best action to take now?

It looks as though this year, he will in fact be over the income ceiling and have to change structures in 2016 anyway. I don’t know if that makes a difference yet, but it is something which might impact what he should do now.

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