APE code for knitting?

· Viewed 1781 times

Your info was much appreciated in an earlier posting - however, as anticipated I have a problem with the code issued by INSEE. I had applied under the heading Confection de Vetements Tricotes - with the autre box ticked confection et vente - however there is no mention of this on the INSEE doc. Is it necessary to open a business bank account in France to pay my tax and cotisiations. I would prefer to pay by my normal CA bank account. 

Initially, I intend to start by knitting for designers in the UK - hopefully a few but one has to start somewhere - I will invoice them (I suppose in euros at an agreed exchange rate and the money will be transferred to my UK bank account.)  Is this acceptable. By the way the chambre de metiers were not interested - and ushered me out of the door within 5 mins of me getting there - they scanned the form asked me for my choice of organisme de malade - not too sure I asked them for names and they gave me RAM and CPSA - I chose the latter but can find no reference.

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