APE codes for fabrication of products from wood?

· Viewed 1841 times

Following our long discussion on “Splitting declaration on materials / labour charges” I hope you can now help me find the correct APE codes to add to our existing codes 4332A Travaux de menuiserie bois et PVC 4391A Travaux de charpente. These our the following things that my husband fabricates from wood:- Roof timbers, doors, door frames, skirting, windows, floors, kitchens (free standing and fitted), furniture, sheds, fences and benches, custom made joinery for offices and shops. He also makes objects such as jewellery boxes and snooker cues, Generally if it’s made of wood he can fabricate it. I have found the following codes that may suit:

  • 1622Z Fabrication de parquets assemblés
  • 1623Z Fabrication de charpentes et d’autres menuiseries
  • 1629Z Fabrication d’objets divers en bois ; fabrication d’objets en liège, vannerie et sparterie
  • 3101Z Fabrication de meubles de bureau et de magasin
  • 3102Z Fabrication de meubles de cuisine
  • 3109B Fabrication d’autres meubles et industries connexes de l’ameublement

Can you find any others and do you think all the above are suitable? Finally is there a limit to the number of codes and how do I apply them?

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