Are auto-entrepreneur trade / commercial activities taxed at 14%?

· Viewed 1754 times

I have recently started as a auto-entrepreneur and received a declaration trimestrielle de chiffre d’affaires this morning. I re-sell goods so would assume for this trimester payment I am liable for social charges of 14% and the 0.1% activitie commerciale. The letter however has 3 lines of activite; vente de marchandises, presentations de services and formation prof. commercant with taux en 14%, 24.6% and 0.1%, respectively.

I am confused as the 14% seems correct, but I am unsure what the 24.6% is for? From your video this the 24.6% value is for activite artisanales for which I am not. Do I just pay the 14% and 0.1% and ignore the 24.6%?

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