Are chambre d’hôtes contributions 24.6% or 14.1%?

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By way of brief background, we purchased the property in France late in 2013. The previous owner ran a chambres d’hôtes / gite business in a separate house and also two rooms in the main house. We are not advertising the rooms in the main house, but we may next year. There was also a tea room situated in a summer house in the garden. The garden has 5,000 lavender plants, the flowers are distilled into essential oil garden and sold to visitors.

We employed an accountant to register us both as auto-entrepreneurs - I wish I had seen your site a lot earlier in 2014. The advice given was that the chambre d’hotes / gite should be in my name and the distillation of the lavender oil and the tea room be in my husband’s name to get us into the French system. The tea room is closed as it was too much to keep going on top of the chambres d’hôtes and the cutting of the lavender etc. as there are only the two us. We may open it in 2016, not 2015. We sell the oil to guests and people who turn up at the house, but it is not a lot, and we are exploring selling it online.

The activity codes on our certificates are herbergement touristique et auto herbergement de courte duree for me and Restaurant de type rapide for my husband.

  1. I have paid contributions to RSI at the 24.6%. Is this the correct rate (See how do I register as an auto-entrepreneur for a chambre d’hotes?) for my code above or should I have paid the lower rate of 14.1%?
  2. In view of the fact that the tea room will not open in 2015 should my husband’s activity code be changed or should it stay the same to keep options open? If the code needs to be changed what should it be for distillation/selling of lavender oil and how do I go about getting it changed?
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