Artisan auto-entrepreneur etc….reactivation possible?

· Viewed 688 times

Hello Valerie

I was registered auto-entrepreneur as an Artisan (builder) from 2010 – 2014.
I ceased the auto-entrepreneur in 2014.
Since 2015 I have been tax resident in UK (due to the type of UK PAYE employment) but living in France mainly.
In 2015 I also exited the French tax and health system due to the type of work in the UK and being taxed in the UK.
My trade in France was registered with approved skill documents for Artisan TRAVAUX DE REVETEMENT DES SOLS ET DES MURS ET DES PLAFONDS at the Chambre de Metiers Marseille and I received the correct CARTE PROFESSIONNELLE.

Background history:
I had a Chambre de Metiers CARTE PROFESSIONNELLE and immatriculation number, début activité: 30/09/2012 , radiation activité 01/05/2014 pour le motif suivant: Cessation d’activité avec maintain de droits (I have the original letter should you wish to see it).
I had a Carte Vitale (I still have the actual card which has not been updated since 2015).
I had RSI cover (2010 – 01/05/2015).
I can still access my profile space at with my fiscal number.
I officially ceased my activity at the Chambre de Metiers in 2014.
I live with my French Fiancee at her apartment in Marseille, and plan to be PACS August 2020.
I have a valid 1 year Titre de Sejour marked: TOUTES ACTIVITES PROFESSIONNELLES (this will be updated after PACS).
I have a French bank account.
I was born in the UK.

I would like to re-start auto-entrepreneur the same work as before:- builder/painter.
My Questions:
1. Can I re-start the same auto-entrepreneur or should I register a new one?
2. Can I reactivate my carte pofessionnelle given to me by Chambre de Métiers without having to prove/validate my skills again at the Chambre de Metiers? (officially ceased in 2014)? 
3. Written on their letter: radiation activité 01/05/2014 pour le motif suivant: Cessation d’activité avec maintain de droits. Does this mean I keep the rights to get a new card without supplying qualifications again?
4. Do I keep the same SIRET number? Or will I get a new one?
5. Once I have registered again with auto-entrepreneur can I reactivate and update my original Carte Vitale?
6. Can I use the social security number I had before when registering a new auto-entrepreneur?
7. I would like to choose Regime Micro Entreprise, but will the 24% social charges be every month? Or can I opt to pay social charges at the end of each year along with the impot tax?
8. Can I re-register as an Artisan online considering I have previously passed the correct qualifications at the Chambre de Métiers, or should I go direct to their office?


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