Artiste libre registration and tax declaration details

· Viewed 1745 times

I understand that an artist can register as an artiste libre by filling out the form P.Oi ‘Declaration de debut d’activate - Personne Physique and then declaring revenue on the tax form 2042C (Complementaire) as long as sales are below 7749 euros. I would just like to clarify which boxes to tick on the forms, am I correct?

POi form no. 10 - B.N.C. Regime Special BNC (fiscal micro) + T.V.A. - Franchise en base Tax Form 2042C. Revenus non commerciaux non professionnels. Regime special ou micro. BNC. net exoneres 5TH?. Imposables 5KU? Is this revenue liable to social charges? If so, does the above figure then have to put in the 5HY box (with a 34% reduction?).

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