Assistance with URSSAF Registration and Related Questions

· Viewed 214 times

I’m in the process of creating my URSSAF online account, but it’s asking for my National Security Number, which I don’t have yet. While I wait to receive it, can/should I make my declarations on paper? If so, where can I find the paper declaration form? 

Additionally, could you please clarify the deadline for declaring my income to URSSAF on a monthly basis? 

I also have two unrelated questions, please: 

1. Is the ‘Impôts’ (espace professionnel) portal only used for CFE? 
2. Should I create a personal account with ‘Impôts’ as well? Would this be for my ‘Impôt sur le Revenu’ declarations? I recall in one of your videos that the first IR declaration must be done on paper, so I’m a bit confused about whether I need a personal account right now. 

Thank you so much for your help!

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