Assurance maladie and carte vitale problems?
Jane M
· Viewed 1733 times
I have registered as auto-entrepreneur (prof lib) from 01/01/2010, although I was behind in registering - got my SIRET number in mid April. A couple of queries now:
- I specified RAM for my assurance maladie on my auto-entrepreneur form, but URSSAF have sent my details to CAMPLP. Is that RAM? I haven’t heard anything from them yet.
- Today I received a letter from CPAM saying my carte vitale ran out on 3 January, owing to my UK form E106 running out and asking me to confirm my status. When I called them to explain about auto-entrepreneur they said they could no longer help, I needed to speak to RSI. Is that the case, or should it be CAMPLP or RAM? To make things more complicated on the health side, assuming I am not yet signed up with CAMPLP, I wonder whether I can retain my CV through CPAM until then? I became resident on 5 Nov 2007, just before the cut-off date of 23 Nov 2007. Having not heard from CPAM when my E106 ran out on 3 Jan 2010, I assumed they had kept me on owing to my residency. My husband, who became resident on the same day and is currentlty inactif, has not had his CV withdrawn. Would it be worth trying to check with CPAM about my on-going status with them? I am just ending a spell of dental treatment and had no idea my CV was being taken away.
- URSSAF also informed me that they have sent my auto-entrepreneur details to CNAVPL, but I have since received a welcome brochure from another pensions provider called Groupe Mornay. Are they just looking for business?