Assurance Maladie RAM de Bourgogne

· Viewed 2105 times

As it’s been 3 months since we joined the auto-entrepreneur system we are getting anxious that nothing has come through from our chosen organisation. A month ago I visited URSSAF who confirmed they had correctly processed our file and told us to contact RAM. Since our E106 expired on 01/01/10, CPAM have also requested to know what alternative plans we have made.

We have had several exchanges by email with RAM - they asked for our numero d’immatriculation - which we don’t have so gave them the social security nos and SIRET numbers. They have today emailed the following and though we get the gist of it, it is very important we understand what is now required. Can you please translate the following message for us? Also do you know if the RSI contact no. given has english speaking staff?

Votre demande a retenu toute mon attention. Je vous informe que la Caisse RSI est seule habilitée à procéder à l immatriculation et la radiation des assurés. Ensuite, la Caisse RSI transmet votre dossier auprès de l organisme que vous avez choisi. Ce délai varie de 1 mois à 3 mois. Néanmoins, vous pouvez les contacter afin de suivre votre inscription au Dans l immédiat, vous trouverez ci-joint le dépliant “créateur d’entreprise ” qui vous apportera des informations complémentaires sur l Assurance Maladie Obligatoire. Merci de votre confiance.

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